When He's Drunk

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Josh- Josh is a serious drunk. It's strange how he seems to try and keep his "maturity" even when tipsy. All you do is play along with Josh.

Simon- Simon is the type of drunk who laughs at everything. You could say the worst joke ever and he'd burst out laughing. He's lots of fun to be around.

JJ- JJ is a real happy drunk. Everything is a joke and blurry through his eyes. He can be extra sexual to you as well.

Tobi- Tobi doesn't take alcohol too well. Sometimes he takes more shots than he thinks. When he does he becomes sick and clumsy. This means its up to you to be outside the bathroom door.

Vik- "I love you but I hate you." That's all that needs to said. Whenever he's drunk like this you just roll your eyes at him.

Ethan- Watch what you say around Ethan. He's lots of fun but say the wrong thing at the wrong time and he'll turn aggressive. Six fist fights. Six.

Harry- He is really crazy when drunk. You have to keep more than an eye on him. Harry is just bouncing off the walls!

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