He's Your Brother

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(Age- His/Yours)

Josh- 17/13: You stood in the bathroom leaned over the counter putting on makeup. Josh peeked in, "Since when did you start wearing makeup? Does somebody have a boyfriend?" Josh teased. "No! I just want to look pretty like the other girls." you sassed. "But, sis you're a natural beauty." Josh complimented. "Thanks but I don't want to hear that from my own brother, gross." you fake gagged.

Simon- 2/2, Twins: "Happy birthday to you!" all the adults in the room finished singing. Your mother put pieces of cake in front of each of you. Simon got cake all over his hand and smushed it on your face, making you squeal. "Simon, darling, don't make too much of mess now." your mother laughed.

JJ- 20/16: The front door opened and you heard a moan in pain. Your mother and older brother, JJ, came back from the orthodontist. "Let me see! Let me see!" you begged him. "No... Leave me alone!" JJ whined. "Come on smile for me." you pleaded. JJ gave a small, weak smile letting you just barely see his braces. "Haha!" you snorted, "Kidding! You look fine." you nudged him.

Tobi- 21/18: You ran to Tobi holding onto your cap. You had just graduated high school (sorry I'm American). You leaped into his arms as you guys hugged tightly. "I'm so proud of you." Tobi muffled into your hair. "Thanks." You stepped back gleaming in pride. "Congratulations babe." your boyfriend, Josh, kissed you.

Vik- 4/9: You walked next to your mother as she pushed your younger brother, Vik, in a stroller. "Frosty the snowman!" Vik sung. "Why are you singing? It's the middle of July." you contradicted. "I don't get little brothers." you stated. Vik only giggled not giving a care in the world.

Ethan- 7 mon./6: Ethan gnawed on a toy while you laid on the floor colouring. He set down that toy and reached for a marker. "No, Ethan you can't have that. You're too young." you scolded taking it away from his mouth. He spat out baby gibberish and flailed his arms. "Babies are so cute." you giggled.

Harry- 12/10: "Catch me, Harry!" you exclaimed as you jumped into his arms. "Ah!" Harry screamed, unprepared to catch you. You landed on him, sending both of onto the ground. "Great catch." you sneered. You looked at your knee to see it was scraped and bleeding. "You're bleeding! I'll be right back." Harry ran inside and shortly came back with a band aid.

A/N- Sorry for the late upload, I'm just taking the day to myself a little bit. But I thought this was really cute 👶🏼😊

-See ya!

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