You Have a Bad Habit

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Josh- Believe it or not you swear quite a bit. You hate how you use f*** or shit in almost every sentence. Whenever you say a curse word Josh puts his finger over your lips and says, "Language".

Simon- Your face is always buried in a screen. Since you don't have much to do in the house you'll be on Twitter or another social media site all day. Simon will keep you engaged in a conversation to keep your head up.

JJ- For someone who appears to be in good shape you can't keep your hands off of junk food. JJ always has to hide the food from you.

Tobi- Since you like to draw or write in your spare time, Tobi will often find you chewing your pens or pencils. He'll take away your writing utensils when you do so. He finds it annoying.

Vik- You'll be lonely in house often so you've made talking to yourself a habit. It's not a good one because the guys can hear you in their room. To help you just sit outside.

Ethan- The classic procrastination. This eats you alive. If it's due at a later date you take the easy route and ignore till later. Ethan has to literally stand over your shoulder and watch you do the project if you want it done.

Harry- You bite your nails all the time. Especially when you're nervous. Harry hates it whenever you do this. To stop you from doing so, he'll be cute about it and hold your hands.

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