Compliment He Gives

7.9K 125 18

Josh- Your eyes are so beautiful and expressive, I can't help but get lost in them.

Simon- I start my day with you on my mind, and end with you in my dreams.

JJ- You're the one thing I'm most thankful for having in my life.

Tobi- I could stare at you forever and still feel I haven't had enough of you.

Vik- I want to spend the rest of my life trying to make you happy.

Ethan- You're the reason I smile and laugh everyday.

Harry- You have so much natural beauty that if you were a model, you wouldn't need photoshop.

A/N- Over 40K reads whaaaaaa? Thank you! Therefore I'll tell about this conversation I had with Vik in my dream last night. He told me how he isn't a virgin and that's he's an absolute monster in bed 😆 and that when you add two girls to the bed it gets really crazy 😂 Let me just go die in a corner.

-See ya!

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