10 Facts About Me

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I've been tagged enough times so I'm finally doing it.

1. Nicknames- Scoot and Pepsi

2. Eye Colour- Brown and green

3. Hair Colour- Dirty blonde

4. Fact About Me- I love musicals

5. Favourite Colour- Red

6. Favourite Place- My imagination

7. Favourite Celebrity- Brendon Urie, TØP, Alex Turner, G-Eazy

8. Favourite Animal- Cats or foxes

9. Favourite Song- It constantly changes but since I have to pick, I've always liked Time by Pink Floyd or any tøp song

10.  Favourite Book- I'm not really a reader but I love The Outsiders

I'm not gonna tag people because I don't even follow 20 people 😆 plus I don't know if they've already done it...

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