Another Sideman Is Your Brother

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(A/N- So if you dated (...) your brother would be (...) )

Josh- Ethan. Honestly Ethan didn't think twice about it. You weren't dating anyone strange or someone he hated, so he let you be. It's kind of nice at times for him to remember you're in good hands.

Simon- Vik. At least you get to live in the same house at him. It was a little weird for Vik to see his sister date Simon but he's okay with it granted you're happy.

JJ- Simon. Actually, Simon was pretty happy for his best friend and sister to go out. It gets a little awkward for all you sometimes but, it couldn't of worked out better.

Tobi- Josh. It was definitely weird for Josh to have his sister and best friend date, but at least it was with someone he knew and could trust.

Vik- JJ. He was unsure of what the outcome would be. He kept an eye on you to and came off a little controlling. Once he noticed though he stopped and let you and Vik carry on happily.

Ethan- Harry. Now, Harry was one of those overprotective brothers. At first he didn't like the idea of you and Ethan going out. Although he trusts you two, he still keeps an ear out since you're in the same building.

Harry- Tobi. He acted like he was alright with it all but the fact that is was Harry gave him unsettling feeling. Overtime he saw there was nothing to worry about and let you guys be happy.

A/N- What do you guys r8 my doodle of Simon out of 8? ^^^

-See ya!

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