He's Alone With the Baby

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Josh- If he is just editing, he'll bounce the baby on his leg. If he's recording he'll put the baby on a (mat thing, idk what they're called.) Basically Josh does very well with her.

Simon- Simon isn't exactly comfortable being alone with his child. He'll always beg Vik or Josh to take care of it for him. But Simon is getting better taking care of the baby.

JJ- Although he isn't the best parent JJ knows how to keep the baby happy. It'll normally result in a mess but once your back, the baby is ready for a nap.

Tobi- Tobi won't record or edit when alone with the baby, he knows it doesn't work. So instead he'll go out with the baby.

Vik- Vik loves to take care of kid. It's the only reason that people will actually respect why he doesn't upload a video. He is too busy being a good father.

Ethan- Ethan doesn't have a problem taking care the baby but he also doesn't have a problem with his mom taking care the baby if she wants.

Harry- If he is left alone with your child, he'll try to include him in a video. If that doesn't work then Harry'll occupy the baby until you come back.

A/N- Quick thank you for 15K!!!!!!!

-See ya😆

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