How He Feels About Kids

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Josh- Josh knows having children is tough but one or two would be nice.

Simon- Simon doesn't have a thing against kids...just being a dad. He already has so much to balance he doesn't want to mess up taking care of his children.

JJ- Kids aren't JJ's stlye. He feels they'd weight him down. He'd also feel old.

Tobi- Tobi can't wait to have kids of his own! He's always wanted his own family.

Vik- Vik is nervous about how he will affect them or how they'll affect his life.

Ethan- Ethan thinks having kids would be alright. Especially boys to mess around with.

Harry- He knows that he's too young to have any right now, but once you guys are settled down and have a house, he'd like to have at least one child.

I'm sorry that I can't do any that involve media tings. Like wedding dresses or promise rings. I wish I could but I can't because Wattpad doesn't like me using pictures 😕 if you have any suggestions to help that would be greatly appreciated!

-See ya!

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