Sidemen Catch You Two

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(A/N- number 69 😉 P.S. I know Ethan's person isn't a Sideman and he has his own place now but I couldn't resist)

Josh- As usual you and Josh were cuddling on the couch while watching Netflix. Josh however had different plans. He was burying his face in the nape of your neck and rubbing your waistline. Understanding the message you looked up at him. "Joshy..." Then your lips met his and you two slipped down the couch so you were lying down. "I guess I'll record with Vik. There. Later." Simon said pointing at you and Josh. "But I don't think I'll want to sit there after that." he added before walking off, allowing you and Josh to continue.

Simon- The only thing left on was your guy's undergarments. Simon began to pull your bra straps off with his teeth. You heard the click on his door open. Who would open a door with the universal sign of a tie on it? JJ stumbled in singing to a song he had blasting in his ears. "With the taste of your lips, I'm on a ride." The song was Toxic. He grabbed one of Simon's controllers and when he came back up he saw you two. You all sat there staring until JJ slowly backed out not blinking an eye.

JJ- JJ hovered over you getting ready to enter you. You guys were on the couch since you wouldn't stop to go the bedroom. A knock came from the front door. JJ ignored it and slammed into you. You let out a loud moan but the person outside had a louder one. "I have a massive headache and I can hear your moans through the walls!" It was Ethan. "Can you guys shut the fuck up?!" He pounded on the door. To bad for him you and JJ couldn't care one bit about he felt right now.

Tobi- Your simple kiss became rough as Tobi pushed you into the kitchen island. Your hands wrapped around his neck to pull him closer. Tobi whispered sweet things to you. A fake cough was made by someone else. Both you and Tobi looked up to see Vik awkwardly standing there. "Um, guys I would, uh, appreciate it if you didn't do...that where I, um, eat." he stuttered. Tobi shot him a glare and then sat back down.

Vik- Vik's hands slowly started to move up your shirt. The kissing session was taking the turn into something more. He had pushed up against his wall. His lips left yours for your neck making you let out a small moan. "Hey! Use protection!" Josh yelled from across the hall. "Ya you virgins!" Simon chimed in. This caused both you Vik to blush.

Ethan- It was the climax of the night. Moans and groans could be heard for miles. "ETH-ETHAN!" you moaned. That's when you two heard footsteps coming up the stairwell. You both stopped to listen. You were at Ethan's house and mum was suppose away that night. A knock was heard at the door. "Shit..." Ethan hissed. It was his mum.

Harry- Harry fumbled with the button and zipper of your pants. As he pulled them you left marks all around his neck. He laid you back against the bed with just both of you in your underwear. His thumbs hooked around your underpants when the door opened. "Hey Ha-rry..." Tobi stood there with his hand over his eyes. "Get the fuck out!" Harry yelled throwing a shoe at the door. Tobi yelped and shut the door.


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