What Your Parents Think

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Josh- They think Josh is so nice and polite. He's still a bit quiet but they approve.

Simon- They're not to sure about Simon. They think he's a gentleman and very caring towards you, but he did make a couple inappropriate jokes. But they trust you.

JJ- According to them JJ is to rambunctious. They think he is going to get you in to much trouble.

Tobi- Your parents love Tobi! He treats you right and they can't wait to see him at your wedding.

Vik- Vik's a sweetheart, innocent, and a well-rounded person. Your parent's only concern is he can't provide for you.

Ethan- They like Ethan but feel that this relationship is too much "puppy love".

Harry- Your parents did like, Harry, That is until he accidentally broke your mum's special decorative ornament from her late sister.

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