The Sorcerer's Stone {1}

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The year 1976

A feast was taking place in the great hall. A boy with messy jet black hair, James Potter, was staring at a red head girl, Lily Evens.

"This is my year Padfoot" James said.

Sirius Black one of his best friends laughed at him.

"And what makes you so sure she will say yes," Remus Lupin said. "This time"

Sirius Black and Peter Pettigrew agreed with their friend, while James huffed in annoyance.

Marlene McKinnon one of Lily's best friends caught James staring. "Guess who is staring at you" Lily turned her head in James's direction and blushed, hiding it from her friends.

"Toe rag"

All of a sudden Dumbledore stood up from his seat for his annual speech. The a piece of paper fell from the ceiling with a bag, which landed on the staff table. Professor Dumbledore grabbed the paper and read it out loud to everyone.


'Dear Hogwarts Teachers and Students'

We are from the future and we have sent you all the movies based on our lives so that you can save people. There is a war about to rise as we speak many lives will be in danger, we don't want that to happen. There will be people from the future coming to hogwarts to watch with you all.

Professor McGonagall


After finishing the letter, the great hall door opened, revealing the Potter's, Blacks, Lestranges, Weasleys, Prewetts, Ministry, Mad Eye Moody and Kingsley.

"Family Reuinon!" Sirius squealed, once he saw his parents.

"You-you filthy blood traitor!" Walburga Black screamed.

"Silence!" Dumbledore shouted.

"What are we here for?" Molly Weasley asked, holding Charlie close to her hips.

"Well watching movies from the future"

Dumbledore changed all the benches to couches and bean bags to be more comfortable.

"Shall we begin?" Dumbledore asked.


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