The Sorcerer's Stone {15}

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Harry sucked in a deep breath, before running into wall. He shut his eyes and disappeared, into an entirely different train station. Platform nine and a quarter, red train called Hogwarts Express, crowded with witches and wizards. A whistle blew as Harry sighed in relief.

"It's happening, our son is going to hogwarts" James pulled Lily into his side, making her blush a little.

Lily's best friends giggled at the girls reaction.

The Hogwarts Express traveled through the countryside, as Harry sat alone in a compartment, The boy from earlier slide the door open.

"Excuse me, do you mind?" He asked. "Everywhere else is full"

"Ron" He introduced himself. "Ron Weasley"

"I'm Harry, Harry Potter" Harry introduced himself, making Ron gasp.

Some nickered at Ron's reaction.

"So-so it's true?" Ron continued. "I mean, do you really have the"

"The what?" Harry looked confused at the ginger's question.

"Scar?" Ron whispered a reply.

"Oh" He lifted his hair up, revealing the scar on his forehead.

A trolly came by the compartment, filled with sweets, the lady pushing the trolly popped her head in.

"Anything from the trolly dears?" She asked the pair.

"No thanks, I'm all set" Ron told the lady, holding up a sandwich.

Harry frowned slightly, pulling out a bunch of gold coins.

"We'll take the lot!"

"The best way into a good friendship" Peter said.

The scene changed to a different compartment.

"We're going to get some sweets, want any?" The twin boys asked.

"They look familiar" Sirius said.

"They kind of look like you, love" Aaron whispered to his fiancé.

"No thank you" The older girl said, continuing to pick at the skin around her nails.

Narcissa could tell the girl was anxious about something, she was just not sure what.

They walked out, a few moments later they came back arms empty.

"What happened?" A little girl looked up from her book.

"Some idiot, bought the whole trolly!" One of the twins said.

"Now we have to wait until she stocks up again" The other continued.

Everyone chuckled, knowing the reason was because of Harry.

The compartment door opened, revealing one of the red hairs twins from earlier.

"George!" The older boy jumped out of his seat, pulling the boy into a hug.

"Well it looks like someone missed me" George teased.

Some looked disgusted at why he was hugging his friend like that.

"Hello, George" One of the twin girl said, enthusiastically.

"We've heard all about you" The other girl chirped in as well.

"It's quite annoying really-" One of the twin boys said.

"George this-George that-" The other finished.


"Shove off!" The boy grabbed George by the arm, before waving by to the older girl. "Bye Ara"

"Bye Ryan" Ara waved back, as the other four siblings laughed it off.

The compartment door opened once again.

"That door is going to fall off soon" Regulus commented.

"Ara" The boy at the door called out to his girlfriend.

"Ced!" The girl threw her arms around the boy, before kissing him.

"My eyes!" The quintuplets screamed, covering each other's eyes.

Some chuckled at their dramatics.

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