The Sorcerer's Stone {32}

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The scene changed to the courtyard, it was the afternoon. Oliver Wood and Harry were carrying a trunk.

"Quidditch!" James and Sirius sprung up in excitement.

"Are you just going to ignore what happened in the previous scene?" Aaron asked James.

"I mean what can I say, he obviously doesn't like her back, so there is nothing to worry about" He responded.

"Is that an insult, saying that my daughter isn't good enough for your son!" Getting more furious by the second.

"I'm just saying that my son would never date a Slytherin" James added.

"And what's wrong with dating a Slytherin?"

"They always end up being a death eater" James defended.

"Not all of us!" Octavia joined in.

"Can we calm down please and continue watching the movie?" Dumbledore interrupted.

"Quidditch is easy enough to understand, each team has seven players, three chasers, two beaters, one keeper and a seeker" Oliver explained to Harry. "That's you"

"There are three kinds of balls, that one is called a Quaffle," Oliver pointed to the hoops on the Quidditch pitch.
"Now the chasers handle the Quaffle and put it through those three hoops"

"The keeper, that's me, defends the hoops" He tossed the Quaffle to Harry. "With me so far?"

Harry nodded, pointing to the two balls that were violently shaking in the trunk.

"What are those?"

"You better take this" Oliver said, handing Harry a small bat. Bending down, to release one of the balls with an angry growl it flew off.

"Careful now, it's coming back"

The ball came speeding down, as Harry whacked it with the bat. The ball flung off and through a statue, without damaging it.

"Wow my son is so talented!" James beamed at the screen.

"Not bad Potter, you'd make a fair beater" Oliver praised the boy. "Uh-oh"

The ball zoomed down, Oliver grabbed it, struggling to get it back into the trunk, letting out a breath once it was in.

"That was oddly hot" Dorcas whispered to Narcissa, who nodded in agreement.

"What was that?" Harry asked.

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