The Sorcerer's Stone {21}

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Ron finished his two chicken legs, as he reached for another, a ghost popped up.

"Ahh!" Ron creamed, making the twins snicker.

Many laughter at Ron's antics.

"Hello, how are you?"  The ghost greeted. "Welcome to Gryffindor"

"Hello, Sir Nicholas" Percy greeted him. "Have a nice summer?"

"Dismal, what's with the Slytherins winning the house cup six years in a row" Sir Nicholas told them,then nods his head towards the ghost, who was sitting beside Draco. "The Bloody Baron's became unbearable"

"Then again, he's always been unbearable"

"SIX BOOLDY YEARS!" The Marauders screeched, along with many others.

The Slytherins however looked very pleased.

"I know who you are," Ron blurted out. "You're nearly Headless Nick"

"I prefer Sir Nicholas" The ghost said, bitterly. "If you don't mind"

He turned to leave , not before Hermione questioned him.

"Nearly headless, how can you be nearly headless?"

"Don't ask that"

"Like this" He answered, taking his left ear and pulling it up. His head swung off his neck while a piece was still attached.

Hermione grimaced, while Harry just rolled his eyes.

"I think I'm done eating" Ron said, looking slightly pale.

Nick reached for his head and left to sit next to the older students, just as Dumbledore stood up from his seat.

"Hogwarts, Hogwarts, Hoggy Warty, Hogwarts"

"Teach us something please"

A terrible sound came out as they sang.

"There is no way I'm singing this" Sky said, rolling her eyes.

"Our ears, our poor ears" Regulus and Apollo held each other's ears.

Many chuckled at the dramatics.

As the first-years followed Percy up the stairs case, Harry stared at the painting in utter awe.

"Gryffindor, follow me please, keep up" Percy told them. "This is the most direct path to the dormitory, except on Friday's when the stairs change"

The camera panned up to the vast amount of stairscases, as people walked on them, some switched to different staircase.

"Keep up, follow me, quickly now"

They began walking up the stairs, several portraits greeted them.

"Seamus, the pictures moving!" Neville exclaimed pointing towards the painting of a women, waving at them.

"Never seen a moving picture before?"

"Welcome"  One of them said.

Percy lead the first-years up to the seventh floor. Up ahead, a bundle of walking sticks are in mid air. Without warning, the walking sticks came flying forth, causing them all to duck, Percy just sighed in annoyance.

"Gryffindor I give you Peeves, Hogwarts residents poltergeists" Percy introduced a tiny translucent man in a colorful outfit.

"Ickles firsties, what fun" He exclaimed, swooping around them.

"Go away Peeves, or the Baron'll hear about this" Percy told him. "I mean it"

Peeves stuck his tongue out and vanished, dropping the walking stick on Neville's head.

"You want to watch out for Peeves" The older boy said. "The Bloody Baron's the only one who can control him, he won't even listen to us prefects, here we are"

The came up to a large woman in a pink dress.

"Elizabeth!" The Marauders exclaimed.

"Password?"  The lady asked.

"Cuput Dracoins"

The lady smiled and nodded in confirmation. The painting opened up to reveal a doorway in the wall, leading to Gryfindor Tower.

"It looks comfy" Narcissa said.

"Follow me everyone, keep up quickly, come on, gather 'round" Percy said, ushering them inside. "Welcome to the Gryffindor Coomon Room, boys dormitories upstairs and down to your left, girls same to your right. You'll find your belongings have already been brought up"

"All in one breath?" Barty asked.

Midnight, Harry was sitting by a window in his pajamas, with Hedwig. He pet her and looked out the window, sighing in content.

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