The Sorcerer's Stone {7}

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A stormy night, moonlight shone on a tall brick house, which was on a rock island in the middle of the ocean.

The family was sleeping, while Harry lied on the cold,hard floor. Dudley sleeping on the couch, as the boy below drew a cake in the dirt with candles. 'Happy Birthday Harry'. The birthday boy looked at his cousin's watch on his wrist, which beeped 12:00.

'They let him sleep on the floor!" Lily protested.

"Make a wish, Harry" He told himself, blowing out the 'candles', on the 'cake'.

Lily looked sadly at her son on screen, wishing she could've been with him.

The door thumped in sync with the thunder flashing, Harry jumped in shock. Another thump, Dudley and Harry jumped up and backed away from the door. The now 11-year-old boy hid behind a wall, while his cousin when under a windowsill. Petunia and Vernon appeared, and his uncle was holding a rifle.

'What is that?" Arthur asked, curiously.

"It a weapon muggles use to kill people" A Ravenclaw explained, many eyes widened in shock.

"Awesome" Bellatrix muttered to herself, causing her fellow Slytherin's to look at her with amusement.

"Who's there?" Vernon shouted out. "Ahh!"

The door banged once again, causing the door to fall from impact and a giant man appeared.


"Sorry about that" Hagrid said, grabbing the door and placing it back up.

"I demand that you leave at once sir!" Vernon aimed the gun at the giant. "You are breaking an entertaining!"

Petunia gasped in fear, as Hagrid grabbed the gun, bending it upwards to face the roof.

"Dry up, Dursley, great prune"

The gun fried making a hole in the ceiling, the Dursleys shrieked in fear, as Hagrid noticed Dudley.

"Boy, haven't seen you since you was a baby, but you're a bit along than I would have expected" Hagrid carried on. "Particularly 'round the middle"

"I'm not-not Harry" Dudley stuttered, as Harry stepped forward from the wall, he'd been hiding behind.

"I-I am"

"Oh, well, of course you are, got something for ya" Hagrid said with a wide smile, handing Harry a pink box. The boy opened it, seeing a pink frosted cake with 'Happee Birdae Harry' written in green frosting. 'Baked it myself, words and all"

"Aww that's so sweet Hagrid" Lily said, causing him to blush.

"Thank you" Harry said, looking at Hagrid with a bright smile.

" It's not everyday a young man turns eleven, aye?" The giant sat down on the couch, taking out a pink umbrella, pointing it to the empty fireplace. Sparks flew out towards the fireplace, creating fire, the Dursleys gasped.

"Excuse me, but who are you?" The young boy asked, placing the birthday cake down.

"Rubeus Hagrid, keeper of the keys and grounds at hogwarts" Hagrid said, tending to the fire. "Of course, you'll know all about hogwarts"

"Sorry, but no"

"Blimey, Harry, didn't you ever wonder where your mum and dad learned it all?" Hagrid asked, clearly confused to why the boy did not know about hogwarts.

"Learned what?"

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