The Sorcerer's Stone {13}

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Hagrid and Harry were sitting at a long table in the Leanky Cauldron, eating a bowl of soup.

"You all right, Harry?" Hagrid noticed Harry seemed quite. "You seem very quite"

"He killed my parents, didn't he?" Harry pointed to his scar. "The one who gave me this"

"First, understand this Harry, 'cause it's very important, not all wizards are good, some go bad" Hagrid began, knowing he can't leave Harry in the dark anymore. "A few years ago, there was a wizard who went bad, his name is V-his name was V-"

"He can't even say his name" Octavia chuckled.

"Maybe if you wrote it down" Harry suggested, but the giant waved him off.

"I can't spell it, his name was V-Voldemort"

The hall was filled with shrieks.

"Voldemort?" Harry questioned.

"Shh" Hagrid shushed him, as Harry looked around.

"It was sark times, Harry, dark"

Godric's Hollow can be seen at night. A cloaked man walked towards the house, unlocking the door with the wave of his man.

"Voldemort started to gather some followers, brought ''em over to the dark side, anyone that stood up to him ended up dead" Hagrid voice over the scene. "Your parents fought against him but nobody lived once he decided to kill 'em"

A red haired women screamed in pain as a green light flashed, the hooded figure points its wand at a baby with dark hair, tears in his eyes.

"Not one, 'Celt you"

No one said a word, too shocked at both scenes that played out.

"Me?" Harry questioned, confused. "Voldemort tried to kill me?"

"Yes, that ain't no ordinary cut on your forehead, Harry" Hagrid explained to him. "A mark like that only comes being touched by a curse, an evil curse at that"

"I knew it" Regulus whispered to himself.

"But what happened to Vol- to You-Know-Who?" Harry asked.

"Some say he died, Codswallop in my opinion, I reckon he's out there too tired to carry on" Hagrid continued. "One thing's absolutely certain, something about you stumped him that night, that's why they know your name"

"You're the boy who lived"

"The plot thickens" Barty said dramatically.

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