The Sorcerer's Stone {31}

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The three headed dog growled, making the first years step back and rushed quickly back to Gryffindor Common Room.

They reach the Fat Lady painting, with uneven breathing.

"Pig snout, Pig snout!" The three yelled, Elizabeth reluctantly let them in.

"What do they think they're doing," Ron started. "Keeping a thing that locked up in school"


"You don't use your eyes do you?" Hermione complained. "Didn't you see what it was standing on?"

"They fight a lot" Lily mumbled.

"I wasn't looking at its feet, I was a bit preoccupied with its head!" Ron shouted at her. "Or maybe you haven't noticed, it has three!"

"It was standing on a trapdoor, which means it's not there by accident" She started. "It's-"

"Guarding something" Harry interrupted.

"That's right, now if you don't mind, I'm going to bed before either of you came up with another clever idea" Hermione rushed up the stairs. "To get us killed, or worse, Expelled!"

"How is that worse than getting killed?" Barty asked.

"She needs to sort out her priorities" Ron told Harry.

"Definitely" Sirius agreed.

The scene then fades to the Slytherin gang, sitting around the fireplace.

Draco was playing with Sky's hair, while Rory ranted to them about a topic, she was very passionate about. Blaise and Regulus were playing chess, Pansy was painting Apollo's nails black and green. Mattheo, Enzo and Theo were playing truth or dare.

"And what if he rejects me?" Rory asked, frantically.

"My daughter likes who!?" Aaron screeched.

"My love, calm down" Octavia tried, calming her fiancé.

"Then you will know, that he doesn't like you" Mattheo said, across the room.

"But it's not nice to get rejected" James said.

"But I want him to like me" She whined.

"But then, if you don't tell him you will never know," Draco stated, brushing Sky's hair out of her face. "If he likes you back"


"That's true" Rory agreed. "But what if he's scared because I'm a slytherin?"

"Than that's Potter's problem"  Sky said, bluntly.

"What the fuck" Aaron commented in shock.

"Your daughter has a crush on my son!" James looked horrified.

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