The Sorcerer's Stone {12}

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The scene changed around what looked like a bakery.

The bell rang, as the door opened. Six children walked into the bakery, all dressed in a dark shade of green.

Everyone looked confused at the situation.

The little girl walked up to the counter, tapping the bell that sat there. A man wearing a apron that said 'Sweet treats', looking down at the little girl with grey eyes.

"Welcome, what would you like?" The backer asked.

"We are here to pick up a birthday cake" The older girl said from behind her.

"Oh so you are the Smiths, right?"  The man asked them.

"Yes" The little girl in front of him said.

"A bit early aren't you?" Jeff was on the tag, which was probably his name.

"Yeah well we a few issues came up, so we had to push our schedule earlier" The older boy, explained to Jeff.

"Well no problem, the cake is in the fridge" Jeff pointed to the back room. "I'll go and get it for you"

"Thank you"

The man went to the back room, as more people more people walked into the bakery.

"Shit" The older boy mumbled under his breath.

"Star, Moon get the blinds please" The older girl said.

"No, there are people here" The little girl from before said.

"Not my problem now is it"

The twins closed the blinds which made the room dim.

"What is happening?" Marlene's question went in answered.

The camera pans to the older boys eyes, which slowly turned into what looked like a black hole. As the camera zooms out, he was wearing a balaclava and black military uniform, holding a StG-44.

"What the-"

"Did you find it" He asked the boy they called Moon.

"No, we're still looking"

"Here you g-" Jeff came back from the back room, before coming to a halt.

The baker dropped the cake instantly, trying to mutter a spell as he ran for it. A loud bang was heard, before they heard a thud.

"What was that!" James said panicked.

The muggleborns stared at the screen in shock.

The muggles in the bakery screamed in terror, making a run for the door. Bullets flew and one by one muggles stated dropping like flies.

All the first and second years looked terrified, clinging onto the older students.

Outside the bakery nothing could be heard, well because silencing charm was made before they entered.

A knock on the entrance door, made the six children go silent.

"They moved it" The deep voice said for the other side of the door.

The hall was silent, disturbed at the screams of innocent people, well except for Bellatrix, she looked amused.

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