The Sorcerer's Stone {10}

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Inside the bank, they walk down the shiny aisle, passing tiny creatures working at there desks.

"Their goblins, Harry, clever as they come goblins but not the most friendly of beasts, best to stick close" Hagrid whispered to Harry. The boy followed his advice, as the giant cleared his throat approaching a counter with a goblin, wearing spectacles and a waistcoat. "Mr Harry Potter wishes to make a withdrawal"

"And does Mr Harry Potter have his key"

The goblin peered over the counter to look at him, then turned to Hagrid.

"Wait a minute, got it here somewhere, there's the little devil" He handed the key to him, before taking out a letter wrapped in string with words 'Top Secret' stamped on it. "Oh, and there's something else, Professor Dumbledore gave this, about you-know-what in vault you-know-which"

"That is not suspicious at all" Regulus commented.

"Very well" The goblin replied.

Harry and Harry walked into a cart with another goblin, which went down at a very fast speed before coming to a halt.

"Agh, I hate that cart" Barty sad.

"Vault 687, lamp please" The goblin said, as Hagrid handed him the lamp. "Key please"

Hagrid handed him the key, unlocking the vault. The room was filled nearly top to bottom with coins.

"Didn't think your mum and dad would leave you with nothing now, did ya?" Hagrid told him with a smile.

They traveled through the cavern in the cart.

"Vault 713" The goblin said.

"What is in there, Hagrid?"

"Can't tell you, Harry" The giant answered, as the goblin swiped his finger down the door. "It's Hogwarts business, very secret"

The vault opened to reveal a small package, Hagrid entered the vault and scooped it.

"Best not to mention this to anyone" Hagrid told him. Harry nodded in agreement.

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