The Sorcerer's Stone {3}

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The scar's glow died down and a little boy with messy hair can be seen sleeping. The light from from outside of the room turns on, revealing a cupboard under the stairs.

"They made him sleep in a cupboard!" Many complained.

"Up, get up" A tall thin women with brown hair knocked on the closet door repeatedly. She was wearing an apron, the knocking died down as she walked away.

"Wait, Lily isn't that your sister?" Marlene turned to Lily.

"I GOT LILY-FLOWER!" James screamed, grabbing Sirius by the shoulder shacking him back and forth.

"James sit down!" Euphemia pulled her son down.

"I married HIM!" Lily screeched in shock of what she had to witness. "Of all the people in the world!"

Harry opened his eyes, turning on the tiny lightbulb attached to the ceiling of the small space. He reached out for his glasses, which had white tape on the bridge. A large tubby boy ran down the stairs, then retreated back up halfway and started jumping up and down. Causing dust from the ceiling to fall down on Harry.

"Rude" Barty Crouch commented.

Harry scratched his head, attempting to make his hair at least presentable.

"Don't even bother" Mrs Potter said.

The young boy entered the kitchen, seeing his Aunt Petunia hugging her son, Dudley. The older lady turned to him with a cold glare.

"Why don't you cook breakfast and try not to burn anything" She ordered him.

"He is not a house-elf" Someone from Hufflepuff commented.

"Yes, Aunt Petunia" Harry said, making his way to the stove.

"I want everything to be perfect for my Dudley's special day" She covered her only son's eyes, guiding him towards the living room.

"Hurry up!" A big, beefy man ordered Harry, who was placing bacon on three plates. "Bring me my coffee, boy"

"Yes, Uncle Vernon" Harry does as instructed and poured a cup of coffee for his uncle.

Petunia pulled her hands away from the younger boy's eyes with a bright smile on her face. Dudley looked at the presents as if he was counting them.

"Aren't they wonderful, darling?" Petunia questioned her son.

"How many are there?" The tubby boy asked his father looking rather upset.

"Thirty-six, counted 'em myself " The man said proudly.

"Probably the highest he has ever counted" Even sniggered at his partners words.

"Thirty-six?!" The boy yelled out of frustration, while Harry rolled his eyes. "But last-last year I had thirty-seven!"

"Spoiled much" Alice said.

"Err yes, we'll some of them are bigger than last year" His father tried reasoning with him.

"I don't care how big they are!" Yelling furiously at him.

Many pureblood's looked in shock at the was he spoke to his parents.

"No, no this what we are going to do," His mother tried calming him down. "When we're going to go out, we are going to buy two new presents. How's that pumpkin?"

"So, I will have thirty...thirty..." Dudley frowned his eyebrows, hoping for his mother to help him.

"Quite dumb as well" Severus added.

"Thirty-eight, sweetums" Petunia helped.

"Oh, alright then" He smiled, pleased with the idea of having more.

"Little tyke wants his money's worth," Vernon said. " Just like his father, 'atta boy Dudley"

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