The Sorcerer's Stone {35}

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The room is silent, then everyone began to scream, causing the bats to screech, getting up from their seats.

"Silence!" Professor Dumbledore yelled, causing all the commotion to stop.

"Will everyone please not panic" He said. "Now prefects will lead their houses back aptitude the dormitories, teachers follow me to the dungeons"

"The slytherin common room is in the dungeons" Even said bluntly.

"The Slytherin common room is in the dungeons!" Ryan stated, clearly concerned for the safety of the younger students.

The camera panned towards Professor Snape, who looked shocked. he quickly walked to the small door beside the staff table.

"Totally not suspicious" Rodolphus said to Severus.

As Percy lead the Gryffindors down the corridor.

"Gryffindors, keep up, please" He said. "And stay alert!"

Harry and Ron followed the line of Gryffindor students.

"How could a troll get in?" Harry questioned.

"Not on its own, trolls are really stupid" Ron answered Harry, when he stopped dead in his tracks. "Probably Peeves playing jokes-"


"Hermione" Harry said. "She doesn't know!"

The two boys separated from the crowd, running down the hall. They hide behind a pillar as they saw Professor Snape passed by.

"That's the third floor he's going too!" Harry whispered. "The teachers were supposed to go to the dungeons"

"And you two should be in the Gryffindor Tower" An unfamiliar voice said.

The two boys turned around with frightened faces, only to see Ara Alexander, staring at them with worried eyes.


"Why are you not with your fellow housemates?"  She questioned them again.

"Our friend is in the girls bathroom," Harry confessed, to the older girl. "She don't know there's a troll"

"Great tell her everything" James huffed.


They heard loud footsteps, the three students hide behind the pillar, peaking their heads out, a giant troll with a wooden club.

"I think the trolls left the dungeon!" Ron whisper-shouted.

"No shit, hey" The Alexander girl said, sarcastically.

"Language!" Octavia said.

"Tavia my love, she can't hear you" Aaron nudged her.

"It's going to the girls bathroom!" Harry asked.

"Is Hermione still in the bathroom?" Peter asked.

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