The Sorcerer's Stone {18}

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"We are ready for you now" Professor McGonagall said. "Follow me"

Professor McGonagall lead the first years though two large doors, into the Great Hall, where four long tables with thousands of students were seated. The night sky above them.

"It's not real the ceiling, it's just bewitched to look like the night sky" Hermione told a girl walking beside her, who was looking rather annoyed. "I read about that in Hogwarts a History"

Sirius and James looked flabbergasted.

"She read-" James started, but was cut off by Sirius.

"Huge arse book" avoiding a smack from his adoptive A

"Voluntarily!" The pair said at the same time.

Professor McGonagall lead the first years to the front of the wall, where a worn out, dirty looking hat sat on a wooden stool. Which probably was the sorting hat.

"Will you wait along here, now before we begin" McGonagall explained. "Professor Dumbledore would like to say a few words"

The Headmaster, Albus Dumbledore raised from his seat to the middle.

"I have a few start of the term notices, I wish to announce. The first years please note that the dark forest is strictly forbidden to all students. Our caretakers, Mr Filch with his cat with red eyes, called Mrs Norris"

"Has asked me to remind you that the 3rd floor corridor on the right hand side is out of bonds to everyone who does not wish to die a most painful death, Thank you"

The first years stared wide-eyed look and unrolled the scroll of parchment.

"When I call your name, you will come forward, put on the hat and be sorted" McGonagall explained to the younger children.

"Granger Hermione"

"Oh dear" Hermione muttered to herself, slowly walking forward. "Here it is, calm down, everything's okay"

"Metal that one, I'm telling you" Ron whispered to Harry, who nods in agreement.

Molly looked at her youngest son in disbelief.

Hermione sat on the stool, as McGonagall placed the sorting hat on her bushy head.

"Right then, right" The Sorting Hat then screamed. "Gryffindor!"

The Gryffindor table cheered loudly.

The students of the red table cheered, as Hermione jumped off the stool with a bright smile.

"Malfoy Draco"

The boy strutted up proudly, as the sorting hat barely even touch his head.


"That was quick" Regulus said to his friends.

The Slytherin table cheered.

The green table cheered.

"There isn't a Witch or Wizard who went bad who wasn't in Slytherin" Ron told Harry.

"I'd watch that mouth of yours, Weasley"

The camera panned to the quintuplets, glaring daggers at him.

Sending shivers down everyone's spine.

"Well it's the truth isn't it?" Ron shot back.


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