The Sorcerer's Stone {27}

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Madam Hooch blew her whistle, Neville's broom lifted himself off the ground. Neville immediately was in the air, frightened for his life.

"Neville, what are you doing?"

"M-Mr Longbottom, Mr Longbottom!" Madam Hooch stuttered. "Exactly where do you think you are going?"

"Ahh!" Neville screamed, shooting up towards the sky.

"I can't watch!" Alice leaned into her boyfriend's chest.

"Come back down this instant!"

"How do you expect him to know what to do-" Mary said.

"This is his first flying lesson"

"Ahh!" Neville flew uncontrollably in the air, ended up hitting a wall. He zoomed back towards the group of students. Hooch quickly pulled out her want to stop him.

"Help!" Neville yelled.

The students quickly moved back as Madam Hooch dived out of the way. How went through the children, up the tower as Neville went past a statue of a man with a champ spear.

His cloak got caught, as he flipped off the broom, hanging there. He wavers, then the cloak ripped completely, causing him to fall right down. His cloak caught a torch, making Neville slip out of his cloak falling onto solid ground.

"Is he okay!" Alice questioned.

"Ahh!" Neville whimpered, clenching his wrist.

"Everyone out of the way!" Madam Hooch ran through the group, they scattered. "Broken wrist, come on dear, get up"

"Everyone's to keep their feet firmly on the ground while I take Mr Longbottom to the hospital wing," Madam Hooch helped Neville up, leading him away from the group of children. "Understand, If I see a single broom in the air, one riding it will find themselves out of Hogwarts before they can say, 'Quidditch' "

"Quidditch" Mattheo said, causing the boys to laugh.

Draco leaned forward to grab Neville's rememberball from off the ground.

"Did you see his face, maybe the fat lump had given this a squeeze" Draco commented, making them laugh. "He'd have remembered to fall on his fat arse"

"Draco!" Rory whisper-shouted to him, turning red of embarrassment.

"Harry and Rory?" Rodolphus considered.

"Bet" Bellatrix agreed.

"Give it back here, Malfoy" Harry told him, stepping forward a little.

"No, I think I'll leave it somewhere for Longbottom to find" Draco climbed onto his broom, flying around the group.

"Coming?" He questioned the group of boys.

"Of course" They all climbed onto his broom, joining Draco in the air.

"How 'bout on the roof?" He flew off , hovering above the ground. "What's the matter Potter, bit beyond your reach?"

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