The Sorcerer's Stone {25}

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The students quickly started to write down what he had said previously. Professor Snape walked back to his desk the dipped his quill into ink.

It's midday when the students were sitting in the great hall, they were doing their homework, while Seamus tried a spell on cup.

"Eye of rabbit, harp string hum, turned this water into rum" He turned to the cup then shock his head. "Eye of rabbit, harp string hum"

"What's Seamus trying to do with that glass of water?"  Harry asked Ron.

"Really?" Regulus commented.

"Really Prongs son" Remus chuckled.

"Turn it into rum, actually managed a weak tea yesterday before-" A bright flash interrupted.

Several children laughed at the disheveled looking Seamus as Hermione fanned the smoke away from her hand. Suddenly a flock of owls started coming into the hall from the rafters above.

"Ah, mails here!"

The owls soar by, dropping parcels to students. Harry got nothing, he saw the newspaper that Ron put down.

"Can I borrow this?" Ron nodded. "Thanks"

Neville is unwrapping a gift, it's a crystal clear ball with a gold banner around it.

"Hey, look Neville's got a rememberball!" A boy, Dean Thomas exclaimed.

"I've read about those, when the smoke turned red" Hermione told him then the ball turned red. "It means you've forgotten something"

"The only problem is, I can't remember what I've forgotten" Neville said.

"Hey Ron, somebody broke into Gringotts" Harry nudged Ron. "Listen to this, believe to be the work of dark watches or wizards unknown. Gringotts goblins, while acknowledging the breach, insist that nothing was taken"

"The vault in question, number 713, had in fact been emptied earlier that day, that's odd. That's the vault Hagrid and I went to"

Hermione gave them a calculating look.

"Earlier this month there has been a break in, in a local art museum. They have not identified the intruder, the Ministry has searched the whole museum and this mysterious intruders has stolen something from a glass case, but they have not released to the public what it was"

"This reminds me of the bakery incident that had happened a three months ago" Fred said, from the other side of the table.

"Yeah they said it traumatized a few of the Ministry"  George continued.

Everyone looked towards the newly engaged couple. Who had a look of confusion written across their face.

The camera panned to the Slytherin table, showing a very distraught Ryan, who had tears brimming in his eyes. Immediately rushing out the great hall.

"Ryan!" Ara grabbed her bag, running after her brother.

Aaron and Octavia looked at the screen, wondering why their son was crying.

George noticed his boyfriend rushing out of the hall, before grabbing his bag a rushing after them.


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