The Sorcerer's Stone {19}

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"Alexander Apollo"

One of the quintuplets walked up, and sat on the stool.

Aaron looked fondly at the screen, then looking down at his fiancé, she stared at him lovingly.

"Well you both got busy as well" Severus teased the pair, Aaron just waved him off.


Slytherin table cheered, but then paused.

Everyone stayed quiet, knowing what they were about to do because the generation before did the same.

Walking down the stairs, before stopping at the bottom, some first years looked confused.

"What's happening" Barty's question went unanswered.

"Alexander Regulus"

Regulus looked shocked at the fact that one of his friends, named his son after him.


He did the same as his brother.

"Alexander Sky"


Walking to the same spot as her brothers.

"Alexander Rory"


The Slytherin table cheered loudly, jumping up from their benches.

The table in green followed, cheering loudly.

Rory jumped off the stool, walking towards her brothers and sister. Strutting their way to the Slytherin table.

The couple looked at the scene proudly.

"Bones Susan!"

Harry looked up towards the stool, looking around and caught the eye of a black greasy haired, pale man.

"Snivellous is a teacher!" James yelled in shocked.

"I feel so sorry for those kids" Sirius said, in a pitiful tone.

"Snape, you become a teacher" Lucious teased his friend, who flipped him off.

The man in dark robes, noticed Harry looking at him as he stared right back, causing Harry to wince in pain.

"Ahh!" The boy lifted his hand on his forehead.

"What did you do to our son?!" James said frantically.

"I don't know, It's the future, idiot!" Severus snapped back.

"Harry, what is it?" Ron asked his friend.

"N-Nothing, I'm fine" Harry said, rubbing his forehead.


The yellow table cheered.

"R-Riddle Mattheo!"

All the staff staring wide-eyed at the boy.

Purebloods looked shocked at the last name the boy had.

The boy rolled his eyes annoyed at how childish they were.


A few of the Slytherins cheered, while some were still in shock.

"Weasley Ron!"

Ron gulped, walking up and sat on stool, while the hat was out on his head.

"Ha!" The hat exclaimed, making the boy jump in surprise. "Another Weasley, I know just what to do with you"


The students cheered as Ron sighed in relief, making his way to the Gryffindor table.

The cheered once again.

"Potter Harry"

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