The Sorcerer's Stone {23}

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The staircase bustled with the students, as Harry and Ron tried to find out which direction to go.

"This is a staircase twelve north which should take us backwards staircase seven-no, wait a minute," Ron said, as she looked down on his timetable which has a small map on it. "We're on backwards staircase seven-"

"Literally me on my first day" Alice admitted shyly.

"How many staircases are there?" Harry asked.

"One hundred and forty-two, through in A History of Magic," Hermione told them, as she slipped past holding a every first-year book in her hands. "Bathilda Bagshot makes unattributed reference to three others"

"I bet you, she read all of that" James whispered Sirius.

The scene changed to the Transfiguration classroom, the students sit attentively looking towards a cat.

"Minnie!" The Marauders yelled in excitement.

A smile appeared on Prof McGonagall that she could not hide.

Harry and Ron then bursted in through the door, everyone looked up towards them. Hermione rolled her eyes in annoyance.

"She left the same time as them-" Marlene said.

"How was she not late?" Dorcas continued.

"Whew, we made it"Ron sighed in relief. "Can you imagine the look on old McGonagall's face if we were late?"

"Old?" McGonagall questioned.

The cat jumped off the desk and transformed into Professor McGonagall, causing the boys to gasp in surprise.

"That was bloody brilliant!" Ron told her.

"Thank you for that assessment, Mr Weasley, but perhaps it might be more useful if I transfigurat," Professor McGonagall said. "Mr Potter or yourself into a pocket watch, that way perhaps one of you might be on time"

"We got lost" Harry said shyly.

"Excuses, Excuses" James and Sirius said in sync.

"Then perhaps a map, I trust don't need one to find your seats?"  McGonagall said.

The Marauders snickered at the word 'map'.

The two walked past Hermione and sat down.

"Quite, Mr Weasley, transfiguration is some of the most complex dangerous and valuable magic you will learn at Hogwarts" McGonagall said. "Use it skillfully and it may, one day save your life, make a mistake and can find yourself with Todd's head and a Monkeys tail"

"All right then, shall we?"

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