The Sorcerer's Stone {6}

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Vernon and Petunia are now outside, she kisses her husband's cheek.

"Have a lovely day at the office, dear" The women looked up, seeing owls sitting on the hood of the car.

"Shoo!" Vernon used his brief case for them to move, but the did not budge on bit. "Go!"

His wife tapped him on the back, pointing to numerous letters addressed to Harry.

"The poor owls" Pandora looked sadly at the screen sadly.

Petunia was in the kitchen, cracking an egg in the bowl below it. Instead of an egg yoke, a crumpled up letter was inside. She cracked another, to have the same result.

One after the other, but all the same out come. She stared at the letter, looking up as she heard a owl screeching outside of the window. Seeing four owls sitting on garden chairs, she screamed and ran away.


Vernon tossed letters into the fireplace, as Harry comes around the corner, the man grinned evilly at the young boy before tossing more.


The next day, the family were seated around the living room, while Harry served cookies.

"Fine day, Sunday" Vernon said. "In my opinion, the best day of the week, why is that Dudley?"

Dudley only shrugged at his father's question.

"Because there's no post on Sunday?" Harry answered, handing him another cookie.

"Ah, right there you are, Harry"  Vernon blabbed on. "No post on Sunday, no blasted letters today, not a single bloody one"

Harry glanced out the window and saw the front lawn filled with owls.

"Well he definitely jinxed it!" The Perwett twins said together.

"No sir, not one blasted miserable-"

Suddenly the fireplace started rumbling, causing everyone to turn their attention towards it. A letter shoots out  of the fireplace and floated past Vernon's face, as ten dozen letters came shooting out. The family shrieked in horror at the sight, as Harry watches in astonishment.

"Ahh, make it stop!" Dudley screamed, jumping onto his mothers lap. "Please make it stop!"

"This is the best freaking thing I have ever seen" Remus laughed.

"Go away, ahh!" Vernon screamed.

Harry climbed onto the coffee table, jumping up and down, reaching for a letter.

"Definitely, James's kid" Dorcas whispered to Regulus, to which he sniggered.

"I heard that Meadows and I do not appreciate it"James clapped back.

"From all the way over there" she asked, smirking.

Harry managed to get a letter, and ran for it, Vernon jumped as well.

"Give me that!" He yelled, trying his best to catch Harry. " Give me that letter!"

"I think that is the only time we will ever see him run" Even said, the Slytherin table snickered.

He grabbed Harry before he could get to the closet under the stairs.

"Get off!" The boy screamed, as his uncle restrained him. "Ahh!"

"Don't you dare touch him!" James yelled out of anger.

"Prongs, they can't hear you" Peter said, trying to calm the boy down.

Letters swarmed the house.

"That's it!" Vernon yelled. "We're moving far away, where they can't find us!"

"Daddy's gone mad, hasn't he?" Dudley asked his mother.

"He has been for a long time" Barty sniggered.

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