The Sorcerer's Stone {30}

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Ron and Harry exchanged looks of confusion.

The scene changed, to the trio approaching the trophy case. Hermione pointed to a specific plaque of Quidditch players that had the name 'James Potter, Seeker' etched on it.

"Whoa, Harry you never told me you dad was a seeker, too"

"Seeker, since when was I a seeker?" James questioned.

"How do they get your plaque wrong?" Remus asked, but his question was never answered.

"I didn't know"


The three Gryffindors were walking up stairs in the grand staircase tower.

"I'm telling you, it's spooky" Ron whispered to Harry. "She knows more about you than you do"

"Who doesn't?" Harry responded.

The stairs shuddered, and began to move. The three immediately hold onto the railings.

"Ahh!" Ron screamed, as Hermione gasped in shock.

"What's happening?" Harry asked.

"What do you think is happening?" Even said.

"The staircases change remember?"

"Let's go this way" Harry suggested.

"Before the staircase moves again" Ron nodded, frantically.

They opened the nearest door, walking into a dark and spooky corridor.

"Does anyone feel like" Harry spoke up. "We shouldn't be here?"

"We're not supposed to be here, this is the third floor" Hermione stated. "It's forbidden"

"Why through?" Harry asked.

"Because Dumbledore said so" Hermione told them. "Let's go"

Then Filtch's cat, Mrs Norris, came running in meowing. The three jumped in surprise.

"It's Fultch's cat!" Ron called out.

The trio ran through the corridor, flames were lit up on the stone supported, one by one as they ran. They stopped at a door on the end of it.

"Quick, let's hide through this door," Harry grabbed the handle but it won't budge. "It's locked!"

"That's it, we're done for!" Ron panicked.

"Oh, move over!" Hermione pushed through, pulling out her wand. "Alohomaora"

The lock to the door opened, Harry and Ron stared at Hermione in complete shock. Hermione rushed them inside.

"Get in"

Filtch arrived at the beginning of the corridor with a light in hand, while Mrs Norris looked at him.

"Anyone here, my sweet?" Filtch asked, Mrs Norris meowed in response.

"Come on"

"Alohomaora?" Ron questioned.

"Standard book of spells" Hermione answered him. "Chapter Seven"

"How has she read that book already?" Sirius asked.

"School just started!" James continued.

"Some students enjoy learning ahead Mr Black and Mr Potter" Professor McGonagall said.

"Chapter Seven?"

"Shh, Filtch is gone" Hermione shushed them, trying to listen through the door.

"He probably thinks the door is locked" Ron said.

"It was locked" Hermione resorted.

"And for a good reason..." Harry added, causing Hermione and Ron turned towards him.

Standing a few feet away was a dog, huge one with three heads, six pairs of eyes on them, while saliva hung down from its teeth.


"What is that!" Mary exclaimed.

"Is that a Cerberus?" Regulus stated in shock.

"What is that doing in school?" Molly screeched.

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