The Sorcerer's Stone {11}

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The pair were walking once again, as Harry checked the list again.

"I still need a wand"

"A wand, well you'll want Ollivanders" Hagrid pointed towards one of the shops. "No place better, run along there, I just got one more thing I got to do, won't be long"

"Yay!" James squealed, Lily raised her brow at him. "We get to watch our son get his first wand!"

Harry went to Ollivanders quietly, he set his things down before looking around. There are shelves of boxes, which were very dusty.

"Hello, hello?" Harry called out to, nothing.

A noise came from the back, a man appeared looking at Harry with a smile.

"I wonder when I'd be seeing you, Mr Potter" Mr Ollivander told him.

"It seems only yesterday that your mother and father were in here buying their first wand" He said picking up a wand, then handing it to Harry. "Here we are"

"Well, give it a wave" Mr Ollivander said, once he noticed Harry wasn't doing anything.

Harry hesitantly gave it a wave, causing some boxes to come flying out and crashing right down. The boy jumped back in surprise, putting the wand down immediately.

Many were laughing at the scene.

"Apparently not" Mr Ollivander said, not bothered about what happened previously and grabbing another wand. "Perhaps this?"

Harry waved it towards a vase, which ended up shattering into a million pieces, startling Harry quite a bit.

"No, definitely not, no matter..." The man reached for the wand in front of him, but halted. A thoughtful expression took over his face. "I wonder"

Mr Ollivander took out a box from the back, handing it to Harry. Once he touched it, it was settled, that was now his wand. Ollivander looked a bit surprised and in deep though.

"Curious, very curious" The man mumbled to himself.


"I'm sorry, but what is curious?" Harry asked the older man.

"I remember ever wand I've ever sold, Mr Potter"

"He must have some great memory" Severus said.

"It just so happens that the Phoenix, whose tail feather resides in your wand gave one other feather, just one" Mr Ollivander pointed to Harry's scar. "It is curious that you should be destined for this wand when it's bother gave you that scar"

"And who owned that wand?"

"We do not speak his name, the wand chooses the wizard, Mr Potter. It's not always clear why, but I think we can except great things from you. After all, He-Who-Must-Not-Be-Named did great things...terrible, but great" The man explained to the young boy, as he trailed off.

"His wand is the brother of You-Know-Who?" A few asked.

The purebloods were shocked.

There's a knock on the window, Harry looked over to see Hagrid, who was holding a cage with a beautiful snowy owl.

"Harry,Harry!" Hagrid called him with a bright smile. "Happy birthday!"

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