The Sorcerer's Stone {14}

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Kings Cross Station can be seen, as the pair walked up on the crossing bridge. Harry pushed his luggage in a cart with Hedwig on top, some muggles looked at Hagrid weirdly.

"What're you looking at?" he questioned, looking at the clock. "Blimey is that the time, sorry I'm going to leave you, the train leaves in ten minutes, your ticket"

"Are you going to leave him there?" Euphemia asked.

"Stick to it, that's very important" Hagrid handed Harry his ticket.

"Platform nine and a quarter, the must be a mistake" Harry looked up from his ticket, realizing he was talking to nothing. "This says nine and a quarter, there is no such a thing..."

"Hagrid!" Professor McGonagall scolded the giant, making him look away as quickly as possible.

Harry started walking through a lane between the train, spotting a guard, hoping that he would help him.

"Excuse me," He walked up to him. "Can you tell me where I might find platform nine and a quarter"

"Stupid, never ask a muggle" Remus chuckled.

"Think you're funny, do you?" The guard grumbled, walking away from the boy. "Platform nine and a quarter indeed"

Harry watched as the man left, noticing a red haired women with one daughter and four sons walking by, pushing each of their carts.

The Prewett twins stared wide-eyed at the screen.

"You two definitely got busy" They joked.

"It's the same year after year" The women said. "Always packed with muggles, of course"

"All right Percy, you first" The women told one of her sons, the boy ran forward into a brick before he disappeared.

"Fred, you next" She called out, towards the twins.

"He's not Fred, I am" The other twin said.

"Honestly women, you call yourself our mother"

"Sorry, George" The women apologized.

"I'm only joking, I am Fred" The first twin said, before running through the wall as the other followed.

The hall laughed at the twins, the Marauders and Prewetts being the loudest.

"Excuse me, could you help me-" Harry tried asking, but not really knowing what to ask.

"How to get into the platform, not to worry dear" The lady told him, pointing to her youngest son. "It's Ron's first time as well"

"All you've got to do is walk straight between platforms nine and ten" She said, noticing Harry's nervousness. "Best to run a bit if you are nervous"

"Good luck" Ron's little sister said.

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