The Sorcerer's Stone {34}

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Neville, Ron, Harry and Seamus were walking through the courtyard, Ron was mimicking Hermione.

"It's Levi-o-sa, not Leviosar" He mimicked, earning a chuckle from the boys. "She's a nightmare honestly, no wonder she hasn't got any friends"

"That's not very nice to say" Molly muttered.

Just then Hermione rushed past the boys, clutching her books tightly, a tear ran down her face.

"I think she heard you" Harry told him.

"No shit hey" Regulus muttered.

"Language!" Walburga gave him a stern look.

The scene changed to the great hall which was decorated in a Halloween themed. Bats flew above in the air and pumpkin candles lit all over.

"I love Halloween!" Sirius said.

Harry sat across from three empty seats, staring at the empty spot when Professor McGonagall walked beside him.

"How are you, Mr Potter" She asked him. "All right?"

"Why wouldn't he be?" Lily asked.

"Yes Professor" Harry answered. "Fine"

"I know that is, we know the members of the staff this is perhaps a difficult night for you" Professor McGonagall seemed to struggle with her words. "Halloween, your parents"


"That escalated fast" Bellatrix said.

"I'm all right, Professor" Harry nodded.

"Very, well" Professor McGonagall turned to leave.

"Professor, thank you" Harry called after her.

"You're welcome, Mr Potter" She told him, giving him a small smile. Then waking off to the staff table.

Harry turned to Ron who was sulking, moving his food around the plate when Neville talked.

"Parvati Patil said that she wouldn't came out of the girls bathroom" He explained. "She said that she'd been in there all afternoon crying"

Suddenly Professor Quirrell came running into the great hall in a panic.

"Troll, in the dungeon!" He cried. "T-Troll in a dungeon!"

Professor Dumbledore rose from his throne in concern. All eyes were on Professor Quirrell in silence.


"Thought you ought to know" Then he fainted.

"How is he their Defense Against the Dark Arts Professor?" Remus questioned.

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