The Sorcerer's Stone {28}

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Harry glared at the boy, before grabbing his broom.

"Harry no way, you heard what Madam Hooch said!" Hermione tried to warn him, as Harry flew off. "Besides, you don't know how to fly"

"What an idiot"

"Yeah, definitely James" Peter commented.

"Boys" The twin and Pansy snickered.

"Give it back Malfoy" Harry yelled. "Or I'll knock you off your broom!"

"Oh wow, he's a natural!" James cheered.

"Catch!" Draco throw the rememberball to Blaise, who passed it to Theo"

"Come get it then, Potter!" Theo shouted, before flying off with Harry hot on his tail.

"Reggie!" He tossed it to Regulus.

"They should take part in Quidditch" Aaron said.

"Thank you" He smirked, passing it to Enzo, who passed it back to Draco.

"Guys, cut it out!" Sky yelled from below.

"We don't want you to get caught!" Pansy looked around worried.

"Fine have it your way then!"  Draco hurled the glass ball into the air, Harry zoomed after it towards a tower.

"Go, prongslette!" James squealed.

Just as he was about to hit the window, from which Professor McGonagall is working at, as he caught it. McGonagall took note of this, surprised at Harry began to fly back to the ground. The students cheered around Harry as he landed.

Everyone watched how well Harry's skill on a broom, he was a natural.

James never looked prouder.

Professor McGonagall was walking towards the field.

"Don't tell me you're going to punish him?" James whined.

"I do not know what my future self did, Mr Potter" Professor McGonagall said.

"Harry Potter" Professor McGonagall said, walking off. "Follow me..."

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