The Sorcerer's Stone {8}

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"Yer'' a wizard, Harry"

"I-I'm a what?" Harry looked at him like her was crazy.

"A wizard, a thumping good one" Hagrid explained to the boy. "I'd wager, once you're trained up a little"

"No, you've made a mistake, I can't be a-a wizard" Harry said. "I mean, I'm just Harry, just Harry"

"Well just Harry, did you ever make anything happen?" Hagrid questioned, giving Harry a thoughtful expression. "Anything you couldn't explain, when you were angry or scared?"

The giant handed Harry a letter, his hogwarts letter.

"Dear, Mr Potter, we are pleased to inform you that you have been accepted at Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry" He read out loud.

"He'll not be going!"  Vernon interrupted. "We swore when we took him in, we'd put a stop this rubbish!"

"You knew?" Harry looked furious. "You knew all along and you never told me?"

"Of course we knew," Petunia stepped forward. "How could you not be?"

"My sister being who she was, my mother and father were so proud the day she got her letter," Petunia explained to Harry. "We have witch in the family, isn't it wonderful?"

"I was the only one to see her for who she was, a freak!" The older women continued. "Then she met that Potter, had you, I knew you'd be just just as strange and abnormal, she went and got herself blown up and we ended up with you"

Lily looked shocked as to what her sister said about her, though she knew Petunia did not like her but she never expected that she had a deep hatred for her. James noticed, stood up and pulled her into his embrace, which she excepted.

"Blown up?" Harry looked more in raged. "You said they died in a car crash!"

"CAR CRASH!" Hagrid chirped in. "It's an outrage, a scandal"

"He'll not be going!" Vernon argued, getting the attention from Hagrid.

"That boy's had his name down ever since he was born!" The giant said, getting more and more irritated with the muggles.

Dudley can be seen eating Harry's birthday cake.

"Why is he like that?"

"He is going to the finest school of Witchcraft and Wizardry in the world" Hagrid stated. "He'll be under the finest Headmaster that Hogwarts had ever seen, Albus Dumbledore"

"I will not pay for some crackpot old fool to teach him magic tricks" Vernon said, furiously.

"He shouldn't have done that"

"Never insult Dumbledore in front of Hagrid"

"He really just dug himself a hole"

Hagrid whips out his pink umbrella and pointed it at Vernon.

"Never insult Albus Dumbledore in front of me" Hagrid threatened, in the corner of his eyes he saw Dudley eating Harry's cake. He aimed the umbrella at the tubby boy, sparks to fly towards him, causing a pink pig tail to grow.

"Ahh!" Dudley screamed, running in every which direction.

The parents shrieked in horror, as they rushed after their boy, Harry laughed, causing Hagrid to join him.

The hall was filled with laughter at the situation.

"That was truly brilliant" James and Sirius said, wiping tears of laughter away.

"Oh, I'd appreciate if you didn't tell anyone at Hogwarts about that strictly speaking"  Hagrid noted Harry. "I'm not allowed to do magic"

Professor McGonagall gave Hagrid a stern look, making him look away as quickly as possible.

They both walled out of the brick house, with Harry grinning brightly.

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