The Sorcerer's Stone {4}

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The scene changed, as Harry tried getting into the car Vernon slammed the door shut, he pointed his car keys in the boys face.

"I'm warning you now, boy" The man gave him a stern look. "Any funny business, any at all and you won't have any meals for a week, get in"

"They starved him?" Lily questioned.


A building with the words 'Reptile House' written above. The scene faded to Dudley knocking roughly against the glass.

"Make it move" He ordered his parents.

Many were shocked that the boy was even demanding his parents.

"Move!" Vernon taped on the glass. Dudley knocked on the glass harder, making him wince.

"Move!" He yelled once again, getting zero reaction from the snake. "He's boring"

"You're boring!" James yelled annoyed with the spoiled boy already.

The  three moved on to another animal, leaving Harry, who was still staring at the snake.

"Sorry about him," Harry apologized on behalf of his cousin. "He doesn't understand with its like, lying there day after day, saving people press their ugly faces in on you"

The snake looked up and blinked at him.

"He's talking to the snake" Regulus said, starting at the screen in disbelief.

"Can you hear me?" Harry asked the snake, he nods. "it's just, I've never talked to a snake, do you talk to people often?"

The animal shakes his head meaning he did not.

You're from Burma, aren't you?" Harry stated. "Was it nice there, do you miss your family?"

The snake turns his head in the direction of the sign, Bred in Captivity.

"I see, that's me as well" Harry nodded."I never knew my parents either"

"What happened?" James and Lily asked.

"Where are we?" Remus asked, pointing to the rest of his best friends.

Dudley glanced over to Harry, seeing the snake finally awake. He rushed over, knocking Harry down in the process.

"Bitch!" Marlene said under her breath.

Her best friends smirked at her comment.

"Mummy, Daddy, come here" Dudley pressed his face against the glass on again. "You won't believe what the snake is doing!"

Harry glared at the boy, just as the glass completely disappeared. Like magic. Dudley fell into the snake enclosure, landing in the pool of water.

"That is very powerful accidental magic" Moody said, impressed.

Harry snickered, watching in amazement as the snake slithered out of the exhibit and stopped in front of Harry.

"Thanks" He slithered off to the exit.


As Harry turned back to Dudley, he saw him trying to get out, but the glass returned. Now he is trapped inside, banging on the glass in panic. Harry laughed to himself, Vernon noticed this and glared down at he boy, who's grin had immediately disappeared.


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