The Sorcerer's Stone {22}

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"Do we really have to do this?" A female voice said.

"Yes, my dear" An older male replied.

The scene brightened, revealing eight figures. A a girl is shown.

"Isn't that Rory?" Rodolphus asked.

"But I don't want to" She argued back.

"We have no choice, do we" Another make voice said, showing Ryan.

Confused looks we're pasted around the hall.

"I'm afraid so" An older looking Aaron said.

"Damn you aged well" Barty winked at one of his best friends.

Aaron rolled his eyes at his antics.

Aaron and Octavia had a silver band with a stormy grey crystal on top, and a snake wrapped around the crystal. A chain connected to a snake bracelet, the bracelet cuffed around their wrist, burning into their skin.

"That looks painful"

They were now in black military uniforms on, with a gun in each of their hands.

They were in an empty museum, because it was after hours.

"What's going on?"

"Why are you asking me, like I'm supposed to know?!"

"We never know what's happening whenever they go somewhere"

"Hello?" Sky called out quietly.

"Is it supposed to be empty?" Ara turned to her parents.

"I'm not sure, we'll look inside the office" Octavia said, nodding her head towards her husband to come with her. "But stay on high alert"

"Are we supposed to stay or?"  Regulus asked his siblings.

"Shut your face, for just two seconds!" Rory yelled at him.

"Do not tell me to shut up!" He argued back at her.

"Hey!" Sky screamed, catching their attention.

Rory started walking around the museum, looking at paintings. She noticed Ryan staring into nothingness.

"Come here"  She called out to him, he turned around pulling him into her embrace.

"Have you told George yet?" Her voice was muffled into his chest, his facial expression hardened.

"No not yet"

"Are you scared of what he would say?" She looked up at him, with concern.

"What if he thinks of me differently," He looked like he was on the verge of tears. "Or worse he breaks up with me?"

Some looked disgusted and disbelief that Ryan and George were having a romantic relationship.

"I doubt he would ever do that," Pulling his face in level with hers. "He loves you so much"

"But, he deserves so much better" Avoiding eye contact with her, she could see tears welling up in his eyes.

Aaron and Octavia looked sadly at the screen.


Turning heads towards the voice, seeing a man in blue uniform. Ara swung her gun to her front holding the trigger.

Everyone was anxiously waiting for what would happen next.


A bullet went through his head, he dropped to the ground.

First and second years held onto the older students once again.

"Security cameras!"

The rest aimed their guns to the cameras, destroying them into pieces. Aaron and Octavia can back holding two large black bags.

"Clean up!" Aaron ordered.

"We have to go quickly" Octavia pulled out her wand cleaning up the destroyed cameras.

"What's in the bags?"

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