Pillow Fort!

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You walked into the living room to see Patrick laying on the couch flat on his back. He was throwing a guitar pick into the air and then catching it. You fell onto your back on the other side of the couch, to where the tops of your heads touched.
"You bored?" You asked, rolling your eyes back to watch the pick fly up and down.
He caught it once more and then rolled over on his side. "Mhm." He moaned, then you both sat up at the same time.
You both just sat there silently for a few seconds, but then you sprung up and said, "Go get some pillows!" Your voice was hyper and cheery.
"Why?" Patrick asked, cocking his head confusingly.
"Just go!" You softly demanded, then he put the guitar pick into his back pocket and walked off.

You giggled with excitement and began to take the cushions out of the couch, and out of the other one across the room. Even after the two of you had been married for a year, you still acted like two silly teenagers. But in this case, two silly 4 year olds.
Shortly after you took all of the cushions out, Patrick came walking back in with his arms filled with pillows of all shapes and sizes. He dropped them all on the floor and asked, "Now what?"
You just stood there quietly, waiting for him to catch on to what you were doing.
He then suddenly bursted out laughing. "Pillow fort?" He asked, still laughing. You jumped up and squealed, "Yes!"

You both instantly began construction. You used the cushions from the couch as the base for the walls, then you just built up from there.
Suddenly, you felt a soft punch on your back. You turned around to see exactly what you expected. Patrick with a pillow behind his back, trying to hide the guilt on his face.
"Don't pretend, don't pretend-" You began to sing, and then Patrick's voice that melted your heart chimed in. "We don't fight fair!" He sang, and then you whacked him with the pillow in your hand. "We don't fight fair!" You continued to sing, dodging his pillow.
You were both laughing with joy as the battle kept on going. But just as Patrick was going to begin singing again, he lost his balance and fell backwards onto the fort. Then you slipped on the floor and fell forward on top of him.

You both laughed harder than before, but you put an end to it as you pressed your lips against his. You slowly pulled away and whispered, "I love you."
He smiled and replied, "I love you more."
You brushed his hair back from his eyes and said, "I love you most." You pecked his cheek and then struggled to get up.
"Here, I'll help." He said with a smirk, to which you knew what he was going to do. "Don't you dare, Patrick Martin Vaughn Stump!" You shouted, but it did no good because he began to tickle you until you rolled off of him. Tears crept out of the corners of your eyes from laughing so hard.
He slowly got to his feet and then reached his hand out to help you up from the floor. You accepted it, but didn't help him at all. He just kept pulling your arm until you gave in. Once you stood up, you looked at the mess of pillows on the floor.
"Bored anymore?" You asked, looking over at his face which was red from laughing.
"Nope!" He said while shaking his head.
You rested your head on his shoulder sweetly and said, "I'm good to have around, aren't I?"
He kissed your forehead and said, "That you are."

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