I've Turned into a Monster

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Requested by Blondie071

(This starts during Just One Yesterday.)

You stumbled up to your feet as you regained consciousness.  After looking around to see if any of the kids were nearby, you began to walk away and try to find the others.  You rubbed your throbbing head where a huge bruise was, a kid had hit you with a bat.  Gashes and scrapes covered your arms, but you paid no attention to them.  You needed to find Patrick, there was no telling where he is or if he's even alive. 

After walking slowly for a while, you saw him walking along the side of the road.  Your voice was too hoarse to scream for him.  A red pickup truck pulled over and picked him up, which you knew was not good.  You fought through the weakness in your legs and began to run after it.  It didn't go very fast, and you caught up with it pretty quickly.  Once you were running behind it, you grabbed the tailgate and pulled yourself into the back.
Whoever the woman was driving didn't notice you, but Patrick looked back at you with grief in his eyes.  He was covered in blood and bruises like you.  You both stared at each other for a while, and then you crawled over to the side and he reached his arm out the window for you to grab.  You grabbed it like you were holding onto a rope for your life. 
"We're gonna be okay,"  You mouthed to him, you wanted him to smile in reply, but he didn't. 
You let go of his arm and he leaned back into the chair.  Suddenly, you felt the truck swerve a little and when you looked inside, Patrick had grabbed the wheel.

"Who is this woman,"  You whispered to yourself, and then you stretched out and enjoyed the cool breeze blowing in your face.

When you looked up, you saw Andy running after the truck. 
"Andy!"  You tried to shout, but it came out quiet.  You helped pull him into the truck when he jumped on.  He softly hugged you and asked, "Are you okay?" 
You nodded and said, "Yeah,"  You looked at his abdomen and saw a wound that was bleeding heavily.  "And you?"  You asked, nodding to point the wound out.
"I'll be okay."  He said, offering you a reassuring smile.  You smiled back at him and looked over as you saw Joe and Pete running after the truck, too. 

You and Andy helped them both in and instantly began asking if they were fine.  After you all were reunited, the truck pulled up to an old hospital. 
You looked inside the truck and saw the woman turn the radio on, and then Patrick put his face into his remaining hand. 

"Something's wrong with him,"  You said, and then everybody else watched.  Your heart began to beat fast as he banged on the glass.  His eyes were yellow and he looked like he wanted to kill all of you.

The four of you jumped out of the back of the truck and began to run into the hospital.  You looked over your shoulder and saw Patrick following all of you. 
When you ran into the hospital, you saw a symbol spray painted on the wall that looked very familiar.  "Silence the Noise,"  You whispered to yourself as you looked down the long hallways that surrounded you.  Joe ran down one way, and Pete and Andy ran down another.  You decided to follow Joe and ran faster than you ever had before.  When Joe ran around a corner, you stopped when you heard Patrick behind you.

"Patrick,"  You said as he started to get closer to you.  He didn't stop walking and he looked like a Zombie.

"Patrick,"  You said again, but he didn't stop walking toward you.  Suddenly, his walk turned into a run and he ran into you and knocked you over.  He was about to stab you with the hook on his hand, but stopped.  "Patrick!"  You screamed desperately, in which guilt came over his face and he rolled off of you.  His eyes faded back to their normal color and he sat against the wall. 

"I'm... s-sorry,"  He stammered out, rubbing his forehead.  "I don't know what they did to me." 
You crawled over next to him and silently sat there.  "I've turned into a monster,"  He said, as a tear slowly rolled down his blood stained cheek.  He looked over at you and whispered, "I'm sorry if you still love me." 
Those words broke your heart and you held his hand tightly.  "Patrick, nothing will ever deny my love for you,"  You said, and then you began to kiss him.  You slowly pulled away and said, "My boy is here tonight, and he is a gentlemen." 

Just as you began to kiss him again, you heard Joe run up and Patrick quickly stood up and changed again.  Then he began to chase Joe.
You scrambled to your feet and followed them.

Am I the only one that can change him?  You thought.

(Okay, so, I think this is going to have a second part.  And maybe a 3rd.  XD  What do you guys think?  Thank you for requesting this, Blondie071!)

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