It's a girl

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(Sooo, this is a birth imagine with a twist.  I don't even know how or why I came up with it.  BUT ANYWAY I'M RAMBLING NOW.  HAVE FUN READING.  THANK YOU.  BYE.)

You wanted to clutch your stomach so bad as contractions grew worse by the minutes, but couldn't as your hands were tied behind your back.  Vixens had kidnapped you and Patrick, and you were far into the first stage of labor when they did.  
You had been here for about an hour, and your water broke within the past 10 minutes. 

Across the room, Patrick was unconscious and tied up in the same type of chair you were in.  You stared at him the entire time, wishing he was there next to you, holding your hand and soothingly talking. 
Another strong contraction passed and you couldn't take it anymore.  "PATRICK!!!"  You shouted, not expecting to get a reply, but surprisingly did when his head jerked up. 
He blinked a couple of times before exclaiming, "[Y/N]!"  His eyes were full of relief and fear.  There was a bruise on the side of his forehead, and blood on his cheeks.  

It suddenly all came back to him.  "Wait, you... you were in labor when they..."  He started saying.  "T-the baby... Are you okay?!"  He frantically asked, but before you could reply, two women were walking in from the dark corners of the room. 
They glanced at you, but instantly turned their focus to Patrick.  He looked up at them silently but then said, "D-Do anything you want to me, but please... PLEASE.  Help my wife, s-she's in labor."  You heart dropped as he continued.  "I'll do anything for you, if you just help her." 
The two women looked at each other, at you, and then back at him.  "If you cooperate."  One of them said strictly. 
"I swear, I will."  He pleaded.  Tears burned in your eyes and blurred your vision.  Then with two quick nods, one woman was walking over to you, and the other going to Patrick. 

She untied the ropes around your wrists and lead you to the surgical style table that was behind you.  She not-so-gently laid you on it and forcefully spread your legs.  You were fully dilated, and the baby was crowning. 
Patrick never took his eyes off you, until they were squeezed shut in pain as the woman slashed his arms and abdomen with knives.  You couldn't bare to watch as he cried out in dire pain. 
"Push."  The woman ordered bluntly, and you did, screaming in the process.  But in the midst of it, you had a dreadful thought.  What if they were going to take the baby away.   What were they going to do with it?  The thought scared you so much, and you couldn't stop thinking about it. 

You looked over at Patrick again, only to see his face becoming pale and blood being splattered around him.  You pushed quite a few more times.  Some where softer, and some were strong.  But they were enough to reveal the first cry of your child. 
Tears streamed down your face as you caught your breath.  You watched to see what the woman would do with her, but to your surprise, she put her into a towel and handed the baby to you. 
"It's a girl."  She said, before walking back over to the woman with Patrick, her heels clapped on the concrete floor. 

You looked over at him again, and this time he was looking back at you with a thin smile. 
You cradled your newborn daughter to your chest, never wanting to let go.  She had Patrick's nose and your lips, with a small bit of dark blonde hair on her head. 
You softly kissed her forehead and smiled.  Even though it was seemingly impossible to find one place of peace here, you found your own peace.  Everything in that moment was almost perfect.  It would be perfect if Patrick was by your side.

| 3 hours later |

Finally, the women left.  You were weak, but managed to stand up to walk over to Patrick.  You were surprised to see him awake, or alive even. 
You sat in the chair next to the table as he slowly looked over at you. 
"Hey,"  He said, so quietly that it could easily be mistaken for wind. 
You sniffled quietly as he looked down at his daughter with a smile on his face. 
"S-She's so beautiful."  He stammered out, rubbing his hand gently over her tiny fist. 
"What should we name her?"  You asked, but was distracted from the thought when you eyed his frail body in concern. 
"[Whatever name you'd like]."  He suggested, and you nodded in reply.  "Perfect."  You said, before leaning in to softly kiss his blood stained lips.

(Blood stained lips... Why does that sound so dramatically cool to me?)

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