Panic attack

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(Surpriiise!  Here's one before I leave on my trip for Wintour!)

Your hands became clammy as you stood in line to meet your favorite band, Fall Out Boy.
You were given meet and greet passes as a birthday present.  Of course, you were excited to meet your heroes face-to-face, but you knew what price would come with it. 


You've always had anxiety in situations like this, and panic attacks would always happen very badly.
And plus, you were alone, with no family or friends to help calm you.  That made everything worse.

Breathing in your nose and out your mouth, you stepped ahead after the next person went up. 
You were behind one more person, and then it would be your turn.

You knew you wouldn't get much time with them.  A few hugs, small casual talk, and a picture.  Every second would count.

You rubbed the back of your neck and drummed your fingers on your legs.  And thank goodness for your VIP credential badge, because that gave you something to mess with as a distraction. 

"Come on up, Dear."  The security guard said, signaling you to step around the photo background. 
You exhaled again and tried to stand up straight.  When you tried to walk it felt like your feet were glued to the ground.

"You're freaking meeting them, this is it, calm the heck down."  You thought to yourself, and finally you managed to walk.

You turned the corner, and there they stood, all smiling and genuinely glad to see you.

"Hey, what's up?"  Joe said as if he had known you forever. 

"I, uh, thanks Andy."  Was all you could stutter out.

"Crap I just called Joe Andy!"  You thought to yourself, never going to let that go. 

Joe only giggled, and the rest of the guys quietly looked at you. 

You couldn't force yourself to smile, so you felt extremely distant and rude. 
Patrick could tell what was wrong, as he has dealt with some minor forms of anxiety himself. 

He stepped forward to the man taking the camera and asked, "Can I just have a few seconds, please?" 
The camera man nodded and said, "Yes, but you can't be long."

Patrick smiled at you and whispered, "Come with me."
You slowly followed him back behind the background. 

"Hey, it's okay, we all understand what you're going through right now.  Don't feel like you're being rude or awkward."  He said with a soft, reassuring smile.

You fought back a tear in your eye and choked out, "T-thanks,".

"What's your name?"  He asked, remaining to have a calm voice. 
You told him your name and he replied, "That's beautiful!" 

Then he began asking all kinds of random questions such as, "How old are you?  What's your favorite movie?  Do you play any instruments or sing?  What's your other favorite bands?" 
Quickly, your mind was distracted from the anxiety.  No one had ever calmed you as easily as he did. 

"Now, do you want to try for a picture?  Of course you don't have to if you still don't feel up to it!"  He asked.

You nodded and he took your hand, leading you back to the front. 

"Guys, this is (Y/N)!"  He introduced you, and they all said hello.  You actually hugged Pete and Andy, and high fived Joe since you couldn't hug him because of his back.

"Do you want to do anything specific for the picture?"  Pete asked, grinning. 

You pondered and said, "Let's all do whatever Patrick does."  He instantly smirked.

"Well, then the go-to!  Finger guns!"  He said energetically, then you all got into the positions (With Patrick going full Charlie's Angels, of course). 

You laughed after the picture was taken and they all said their goodbyes and thank yous. 

You hugged Patrick once more and whispered into his ear, "Thank you." 
He tightened his embrace and said, "You're strong, I hardly did anything."

(I just want to give a quick shout out to all of those who deal with anxiety.  I know, it's not fun.  With me, my panic attacks are usually triggered by large crowds, stress, and being in the car in high traffic.  FOB has helped me through 99.9% of them.  I just put my earbuds in and they rescue me. ❤️)

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