A/N - 3 years later.

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I bet you weren't expecting to see this! That's right. I'm still alive. Maybe a little bit more grown up, but it's still me!
I'm writing this to show you guys how I have moved on from the fandom... and some other things about fandoms in general.  (Agree with me or not about what I will say, it is just my opinion from personal experience.)

I joined the FOB fandom when I was 12... I'm almost 16 now! I made the decision of totally leaving the fandom last summer, leaving my 1K follower Instagram fan-page and 80K reads imagine book behind me.
I'm sure your first thought is, "sHe dOeSn'T LiKe FaLL oUt BoY aNyMoRe", and you couldn't be more wrong. In fact, I am seeing the boys for the second time this September!

Dont get me wrong, the community aspects of fandoms are great!  You can meet some awesome people, easily making friends because you already know you have one thing in common.
But with community comes drama, and with drama comes people getting hurt.
I'm not hating on anyone in fandoms!  If that's something you're into and can ignore the negative sides of them, go for it!  Simply from my personal experience, leaving was the best fit for me. 

One more thing on the topic of fandoms... Please don't stay out of peer pressure.  Not being in a fandom, not being in the smack dab middle of everything, doesn't make you an invalid, out of the loop fan!  You can still be up to date with the news, know all of the inside jokes and memes, read and write fanfiction, and obsess over them with other people WITHOUT BEING IN A FANDOM!!!  This is simply called being a fan... duh.

Anyway, I will stop my rant before anyone comes after me. 😂

So, if anyone was wondering what happened to that 12 year old with the popular Patrick Stump imagine book, here I am!  My life hasn't consisted of a lot of excitement.  I've traveled a lot, had on and off music related jobs, high school may be a living hell sometimes, I met my best friend (Thanks to the interwebs, obviously) of 6 years... At least nothing tragic has happened, haha!  All good things! 

This will not be a "comeback" to Wattpad.  I simply wanted to come in and be like, "YO, I STILL EXIST" and give some fandom advice. 😂

And so, with this, maybe I will return with an update in another three years.  Who knows.  I hope you've all been happy and healthy, and if not, you will be, I promise. ❤️


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