Just coast with me

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(Sooo, this is just a quick filler imagine until I get around to do requests and the special second part imagine.  Since I kind of haven't updated in 2 weeks... SORRY!  I FEEL SO BAD ABOUT THAT!!!  I've just been gone every single day this week.  Hopefully I'll be able to write more, soon.  It may not be until after my birthday though, which is in like... a week and 4 days..?  That's how tired I am.  I can't remember how far away my freaking birthday is.  All I know is that everything will hopefully calm down around then.  But anyway, October has just been ...heck... You get the idea.  And I'm rambling now...)

Patrick paced back and forth nervously, rubbing his hands together and running his fingers through his hair. You stood with your arms crossed across your chest while you watched him.  The first show on his Soul Punk tour was about to begin, and you thought he was about to have a heart attack.  He was normally nervous before shows, but not this much.

"They're gonna hate me out there, I just know it." He muttered under his breath, but loud enough for you to hear him.
"No they won't, they'll love you."  You said with a reassuring smile. He looked over at you through his blonde hair that had fallen over his eyes.
"They'll start chanting 'Fall Out Boy, Fall Out Boy!', and then boo me off stage." He continued, that's when you had enough.

You walked over to him and grabbed him as he practically walked into your grasp. "Patrick, if they do that, they're not true fans." You said, putting your palms in his gloved hands. A smile managed to crack across his face, and your lips curled up into a smirk.
You gripped one of his hands tighter and lead him into another room, where you both were alone. "What are we do-" He started to ask, but was cut off by your lips passionately pressing against his.  You took a couple of steps forward, which caused his back to gently lean against a wall as you continued to kiss.

You slowly pulled away, but your foreheads continued to lean against each other.  "If you get nervous on stage, look down at your set list."  You said.  He made a puzzled look, but didn't question.
Not long after, it was time for him to start playing.  You stayed backstage to watch.

After he finished Explode, you noticed him eying the crowd and gripping his arm behind him.  When he rocked back and forth on his heels a little bit, you saw him look down.

"Stop, breathe, count to three.  You can do this, it's what you love, don't stress.  Love you, XOXO"  Is what you wrote on the top of his set list.  When he read it, he looked over at you standing at the side of the stage, and smiled.
Through the rest of the night, he put his heart into each and every song, and didn't seem nervous at all.  A little head start on this ride was all he needed.

Patrick Stump Imagines!  (Fluffy)Where stories live. Discover now