Roller Coaster

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^^ One of my fave pics of him.  <3

(Just so you know, Patrick actualy has a fear of roller coasters. So therefore, I decided to write this imagine.)

You pulled Patrick by his hand, weaving in and out of the crowd. You both went to an amusement park, and you were determined to do something with him. Something that he would kill you for later.  He had a blindfold over his eyes, you really wanted to shock him. Finally, you jogged over to the line with him and pulled the blindfold off.  You smiled brightly as he looked up in horror. You were going to make him ride a roller coaster with you. When he looked back at you, you were sure to have a big smile on your face. 

"Surprise!" You said in a high pitched tone. 
"Nope," He said, stepping back. "Nope, nope, nope." He continued, shaking his head. 
You grabbed his hand again and pulled him back. "Oh yep, yep, yep!" You replied, pulling him into your chest as if you were about to dance. 

He stuck his bottom lip out and said, "You don't want me to be scared, now do you?" 
You tapped your chin and pretended to ponder. "Let me get back to you on that," You said, and then you shoved him in front of you in the line. 
"Why are you even scared of roller coasters?" You asked.
"I just don't like the feeling it gives you. You know... the feeling of 'Oh no, I'm going to fall out on the concrete, bleed my brains out all over and die'." He said, making hand gestures to help explain himself better.

You couldn't help but double over as you laughed. "Dude, there are hardly ever any roller coaster deaths." 
"How many per year?" He asked, still staring up at the tall ride.
"2 to 4." 
"Well, I don't want to be a victim, let's go." He replied, shuffling his feet nervously.
You grabbed his shoulder and said, "You're not going anywhere."
He sighed and put his hands into his pockets. "But I choose the next ride."
You rolled your eyes and replied, "Deal."

It wasn't long before the two of you were at the head of the line. You gave tickets to the man running the ride, and you had to drag Patrick to the car that you would be riding in. Once you sat down inside with him slightly cuddling up next to you, a man came and secured the safety bar.

He quickly pecked your cheek and said, "Always remember that I love you. Tell my mom I love her. Tell the guys-"
You covered his mouth and said, "Calm down, you're not going to die." You took your hand off of his mouth and he sighed.  You leaned back against the seat of the car and relaxed. Patrick on the other hand sat up as straight as a board, not moving whatsoever. Suddenly, it began to slowly move. 

Patrick gripped your hand tighter than he ever had before. "Please stop cutting off my circulation." You said, prying his hand away. He didn't say anything, but just stared ahead.  It started to go faster, and faster, but slowed down as it climbed up a hill. 

"Get ready!" You shouted excitedly as it slowly crept to the top. Within seconds, your found yourself with your hands in the air screaming... With Patrick gribbing the bar and screaming too. You really hope you weren't going to give him a heart attack.

You looked over at him and saw that he looked like he was in shock.  "You okay?" You asked in between laughs. He hastily shook his head, then nodded, but then shook it again.  There were a few more hills and sharp turns before it came to the grand finale. The loop. This time, you decided to hold his hand. 

"C-can we go on the carousel after this?" He stuttered out cutely, in which you nodded in reply. You pressed your lips against his as you both began to hang upside down. When you pulled away, you saw that the cars had stopped and people were getting off.

"Oh, well then," You said, pushing the bar up and standing up.

"Thanks for helping to ignore that loop-dy loop thing." He said, slowly standing up on shaky legs.

"You're welcome." You said, then you gripped his hand again, trying to help him walk.

From then on, he still hated roller coasters, but you both will never forget that day.

(Yay!  I finally updated!  XD  Thanks for reading!)

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