If I don't wake up dead

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You sat in the corner of a room that was like a large jail cell.  Your knees were pulled up to your chin and you stared at a camera that was mounted in the corner of the ceiling across from you.  Vixens were watching your every move.  But even if they weren't, you wouldn't be able to try anything sneaky because you were too weak to hardly even move. 
You came to Courtney's headquarters in attempt to find Patrick, but failed when you were caught and thrown into here. 

Suddenly, you jerked your head up when the iron door began to open loudly.  When it was open, it revealed Courtney holding Patrick with a tight grip around his arm.  "Here's the thing that you came for, I believe."  Her poisonous voice said, tossing him into the floor like a rag doll. 
You slowly got to your feet and limped over to him as he stood up and lightly hugged you, minding not to make either of your wounds lash out any worse pain. 
"{Y/N}, I'm s-sorry for everything I've done."  He whispered before kissing your cheek. 
You just buried your face into his jacket and tried your best not to burst into tears.  "N-none of this was your fault."  You whispered back, looking over his shoulder and narrowing your eyes at Courtney.
"No worries {Your last name}, I'm not taking him from you again."  She said after you both pulled away from each other, but Patrick still had his arm around you. 
"What's the catch?"  You asked through gritted teeth, knowing that it wasn't that simple. 
"There's no catch, I just don't have a use for him anymore.  Rock and roll is weak enough that we can take it now without his help."  She replied, fixing to grab something in her back pocket.  "But thank you for what you did, Patrick."  She added, before Patrick pushed you over to the side and you heard two bangs that seemed to be gunshots. 

Courtney didn't say anything else before she walked out, closing and locking the door behind her.  You looked over to see Patrick standing in shock.  You rushed over and caught him before he fell onto the concrete. 
"No, Patrick no!"  You said in a somewhat quiet shout, looking at the two wounds in his abdomen.  His head rested in your lap as you stroked his hair and kept talking to him, in attempt to keep him awake.  Blood quickly soaked his clothes and your hands after you had been putting pressure on them for a few seconds. 

"You're going to be okay, just stay with me, please!"  You pleaded, putting more pressure on the wounds.  His breathing quickened and he squeezed his eyes shut as the pain began to hit him. 
Tears slowly crept out of your eyes, no matter how hard you tried to fight them back.  You had no clue what to do.  There was no way out, no one to call, nothing. 
"{Y-Y/N},"  He choked out, before coughing violently.  You were about to say something, but noticed that his body was beginning to shake from shock.  You carefully took your hand out from behind his head and took your jacket off, slowly laying it over him. 
"W-will you m-marry me?"  He continued, then you looked at him with wide eyes. 
"Yes... yes."  You stammered out, not asking any questions.  He slowly brought his hand up and traced your face, before pulling yours away from his abdomen and gripping it tightly. 

"I, P-Patrick Stumph, take y-you {Your full name}, to have an-and hold from th-this day for-forward, for be-better or for w-worse, for rich-richer or poorer, in sick-sickness and in h-health, to love and cherish; from this day forward, until d-death-"  You hushed him before the end.  You couldn't bare to see him say that now. 

You pulled his hand up and put it against your cheek as you repeated the same vows.  "You m-may now kiss the bride,"  You said, this time tears fell freely from your eyes. 
You slowly put your head down to his and he kissed you.  It was the best kiss he had ever given you. 
"I lo-love you."  He said, this time quieter than he had been speaking before. 
"Then don't leave me,"  You said, cupping your hand on his cheek.  "You can-can't leave me." 

Then there was a dead silence, aside from him coughing.  His skin was extremely pale, and there was now a small puddle of blood at your knees. 
"Th-the fight is ov-over,"  He said, before sorrowfully shaking his head.  "Rock a-and r-roll is gone."
"But there are still Youngbloods who are willing to fight!"  You reassured him, but he shook his head again.
"L-let Court-Courtney win,"  He said, so quiet that you could barely hear him this time.  "No o-one else sh-should ha-have to b-be l-lost."

That was when his body fell limp in your lap, and he breathed his last breath.  Your eyes felt like they could not produce anymore tears, but they did. 
You didn't say anything else.  All you did was carefully and slowly put your fingertips on his eyelids and closed them.  You put your hand into his cold palm and laid next to him as you slowly drifted off to sleep.

(Yeah, sorry about the major feels there... please forgive me.  XD  It was hard to write this as I was a blubbering mess.)

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