Miss Missing You - Part 1 of 3

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(This is a HUGE twist on the ending of YBC. I came up with this idea out of the middle of nowhere, so I hope you enjoy it!)

You shoved through the crowd chanting for Pete and Patrick to fight.
When you got to the front, you found Pete laying on the ground, dead. Patrick was laying next to him, blood soaking his shirt from his abdomen and gasping for air. You covered your mouth in shock, tears welling in your eyes when you realized you couldn't help Pete.
So, you ran over to Patrick, kneeling next to him.
"Patrick, Patrick stay awake!" You pleaded, pressing your hands against the wound from Pete stabbing him.
His eyes continuously flashed from their normal color to yellow, but he was too weak to attack you too now.

You looked around at the staring crowd and shouted, "Can somebody help, please?!" And with that, two people came out of the crowd.
Your squinted from the sun and saw that it was an old man and woman.

"We can." The woman said. They were dressed like a couple who would've lived on a farm in the 40s, which you thought was odd. But everything in this deserted town was abnormal.
You just silently nodded to them and they came over.

The man picked Patrick up as if he weighed nothing and began to carry him away, with the woman feeling his forehead and looking at the wound.
"We need to do it before tending to his wound, or else it will all be too late." She muttered to the man, and his pace began to quicken. You jogged behind them, confused by what she meant, but you didn't care what they did as long as it helped him.

They carried him into the church and laid him on a pew, each of them running around grabbing miscellaneous stuff.
The woman came by, setting bottles and towels next to the pew and said to you, "Keep him awake." You obeyed her and sat on the edge of the pew next to him, holding his trembling hand and keeping your other hand on his cheek.
"Patrick, listen to me, you need to stay awake, they're going to help you." You said, as he looked up at you.
Right now his eyes were normal, but when he looked away from you they would turn yellow again. When you realized this, you held his face in both of your hands and focused him on you.

The man and woman came back and laid out all kinds of stuff. You stood up and allowed the woman to wrap his abdomen in a towel to slow the bleeding for a little bit. The woman turned to the man, who you assume was her husband, and said, "You need to do it now and quick, he can't make it much longer."
The man sighed and replied in a deep voice, "Sit him up straight." The woman sat him up slowly, and he groaned from the pain which was becoming worse.

"You may not want to watch this, Dear. We can take it from here." The woman suggested, but you shook your head.
"No, no I want to stay with him." You argued, and she rubbed your arm.
Her lips slowly made a tiny smile and she replied, "Now that I think about it, you staying may help this process. It seems that you truly love him."
You nodded and said, "Yes, yes I do love him."

You felt like you had the wind knocked out of you. That was the first time you had admitting to loving him.

She took your hand and lead you back over to him, joining your hands together.
"They have a true love, every little bit helps." She whispered to her husband, and he plainly replied, "Good."

He pulled out a cross necklace from under his shirt and picked up a Bible from the pile of stuff on the floor.
His wife handed him a bottle with a cross on it, which you knew was Holy Water.

Your eyes widened and you asked, "A-Are you going to do an exorcism?"
The man nodded and said, "It's all we can do before losing him completely to this demon."
The woman smiled at you again and said, "It will work, trust us. We'll fix up his wound afterwards."

You swallowed nervously and gripped his hand tighter.
"Don't panic yet" You thought to yourself.

(I'm already working on the next parts, so hopefully this will all continue pretty quick. Thanks for reading!)

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