He's going to be a daddy

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You paced back and forth nervously in the kitchen while you waited for Patrick to come home. He was coming home to have lunch you during his break from recording.  You had a very special suprise for him. 

You had both been married for over two years now, and within the past year you two decided that you wanted to start a family. You had been trying, but nothing ever happened. Maybe it just wasn't the right time, or something was wrong. You didn't want to think that you weren't able to have children, so you tried to never worry about that.

Today you took another test, expecting to not get a positive result. But, you didn't. It was positive! After throwing a mini party with yourself, you decided to try and hint things to Patrick so you would surprise him. 
For lunch, all of the food was baby themed and was served on baby blue plates, with napkins of the same color. 

Finally, you heard the front door open and began to trot out of the kitchen and over to it.
"Hey, sugar!" Patrick greeted as he pulled you into a hug and kissed your forehead. 
You silently smiled as he kept you in his embrace and started walking into the kitchen. You pulled him over to the table and sat him down. 
"I'll fix your plate." You said, tapping the brim of his fedora down over his eyes. 
He pushed it back up and giggled. "I can make it myself." 
"No, I want to do it for you." You insisted while grabbing the plate and carefully arranging the foods on it. 

He put his elbows on the table and rested his chin in his palms as he smiled while watching you. You finished his, and then quickly made yours. Yours did not look as presentable as his did. 
You walked back over to the table and sat it down in front of him, then you sat in the chair across from him.
"Looks yummy!" He happily said as he eyed the 3 different foods. 
"There's baby back ribs, baby carrots, and baby corn." You explained, trying your best not to laugh and just come out and tell him. 
He picked up a carrot and took a bite. "Do I see a theme here?" He asked after he swallowed it. 
You nodded hastily and said, "What theme do you see?" 
"Finger food! That's cute, sugar." He said before taking a bite of a rib. 
You sighed and just started eating, hiding a slight smirk on your face. He talked some about the songs he and the guys were working on. 

You both finished eating and he helped you with the dishes and putting everything away.
"Do you think I'll be a good mom?" You suddenly asked, then he looked at you puzzled. 
"Of course you will!" He said, trying to not act very confused. 
You smiled and replied, "Good, but at least I have 9 months to get some practice." 
He instantly stopped wiping the table and froze. 

"I have Saint and Ruby to train myself with." You continued, knowing that he finally was catching on now. 
He slowly turned his head to look at you, and you just stood there as if you didn't say anything. "W-what did you say first? About 9 months for p-practice?" He stammered out.
You bit your lip and stood there as a new smile crept across your face. 

"I'm pregnant." You quietly said in a high pitched voice.

He dropped the towel he was using and continued to stare at you. And before you knew it, he ran over to you, picking you up and spinning you around. You giggled as you grabbed his neck and quickly kissed him on the lips.

"I-I'm gonna be a daddy," He said after he sat you back down. "And you're gonna be a mommy!" He exclaimed again. You just kept on nodding as he continued to freak out.

He looked down at your stomach before he bent down and soflty put his hands on it.  "Hi, tiny human," He whispered. He lightly rubbed it and added, "I'm so glad you're finally inside there!" 
Then he looked up at you and sighed. "So, the theme of the food was actually baby?" He asked with a smirk. You giggled and said, "Yep," Then you kissed him again. 

"I love you, Mr. Stumph." You whispered to him as you pulled away. 
"And I love you more, Mrs. Stumph."

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