He gets sick on tour

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You stood backstage while the guys performed, but you had been noticing something different about Patrick's voice.  Whenever he tried to hit certain notes, it would crack and he would change it.  After it happened in a few songs, he either would back away from the mic some, or he would change the note. 
When they started playing My Songs Know What You Did In The Dark, you saw him tell Pete something while they were clapping for the intro.  So then, in the chorus Pete sang the 'I'm On Fire!'
That was their last song before they came backstage and waited to go back out for the encore. 

"Great job!"  You complemented while clapping.  They all said thank you, except Patrick, who just coughed and smiled at you.  But before you could get a chance to ask him if he was okay, they went back out onstage and played Saturday. 
You hummed along, and then clapped when it was over.  When they came back, Patrick still just smiled at you.  Normally he would kiss you. 
"Hey, is something wrong, Trick?"  You asked with concern in your voice.
He nodded and whispered, "Just a little sore throat." 
"Oh, okay.  You might want to instantly go and get some rest so you'll be better for tomorrow's concert."  You replied, acting like a mother to him, which is basically what you were to all of them when you traveled with them.

Andy, Pete, and Joe took care of some things while you went with Patrick back to the bus.  "I'll make you some tea."  You said with a smile, going into the small kitchen and starting to boil some water.
Patrick went into the bathroom to change, but seemed to be in there a while.  Out of concern, you walked over and slowly knocked on the door. 
"Are you okay?"  You asked, but just as it sounded like he was about to say something, all you could hear was the sound of him vomiting.  You instantly ran inside to see him throwing up basically anything he had eaten today into the toilet. 
You kneeled next to him and gently rubbed his back as he took deep breaths in his nose and out his mouth.  You heard the kettle start to whistle and said, "I'll be right back,"  Then you stood up and went to turn the stove off.  You figured that he probably didn't want this now, since he most likely wouldn't be able to keep it down, so you just left it there and went back to him.  

While you were gone, he threw up once again.  "It's okay, you might just have some little bug."  You whispered to him as you sat in the floor.  You felt his forehead which was soaked with sweat, not all from the concert. 
It wasn't long before the rest of the guys came in.  Andy was the first to walk in and look down to see the both of you in the bathroom.  "What's wrong?!"  He asked in a panicked tone. 
You looked over at them and said, "He's just sick, but I don't think it's anything too major.  He's thrown up like 3 times." 
Patrick looked up at them and lifted his hand up to make a weak wave. 
"Does he have the flu?"  Joe asked worryingly. 
You shook your head and said, "I don't think so, vomiting isn't common in adults with the flu."  Then you pondered for a little bit.  "His throat's probably sore from singing so much and not getting much rest, and then he might have just caught comes stomach virus somewhere."  You said, basically thinking out loud. 
The guys nodded in reply and sat down on the couch.  You stayed in the floor of the bathroom with Patrick. 

"Sugar, I don't want you getting sick too."  He said quietly, but you shook your head. 
"Oh well, if I do I do, you can hold my hair up."  You said jokingly, managing to make him laugh, but also managing to make him throw up again when he laughed.  "Oh!  I'm sorry!  I didn't mean to make you puke!"  You instantly began apologizing. 
He laughed again, but this time lowering it to a very light giggle. 

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