Dead On Arrival

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(FEELS!  Need I say more?  I bet you could tell by the title.  XD)

You went to unlock the door of your apartment, but found that it was already unlocked.  When you slowly opened the door, the smell of cookies filled the air. 
Patrick darted over to you from the living room with a smile on his face. 

"Hellooo!"  He greeted cheerfully, pulling you into his embrace and kissing your nose. 
You giggled and asked, "What's that smell?  And what are you even doing here?" 
He kept his arm around your waist and lead you into the kitchen.  "I thought you'd like a treat,"  He said, then he opened the oven to reveal a pan of {Your favorite cookies}.  "So I came over and made these."  He finished, and you smiled. 
"Aww, you didn't have to do that."  You said, before pecking his lips.  

He continued to smile as he shut the oven and checked the timer.  "They'll be ready in about 10 minutes."  He said as you walked over to the couch and patted the cushion next to you so he would come and sit. 
"We can pass the time."  You said, sarcastically being seductive. 
He smirked and said, "Yes,"  His voice was low and breathy.  "By watching Doctor Who."  He added in a casual tone. 
You pretended to pout as he laid his head in your lap. 
"Sorry to disappoint."  He said with a giggle before you reached your head down to kiss him.
Then you both started to watch Doctor Who.

It wasn't long before the timer went off and the cookies were done.  He struggled to get up as you held him down. 
"Do you want burnt cookies?"  He asked, still trying to force through your arms. 
"Well, no,"  You said, and then you started to scoot out from under him.  "How about I go get them?"  You added, finally making your way up, which left him plopping down on the couch.
"Fine."  He said, sitting up straight.

You walked into the kitchen and grabbed a mitt to take the pan out carefully, minding not to burn yourself.  Patrick had already set out a cooling rack, so you took them off of the pan with a spatula and set them on it.
After the last cookie was transferred, you heard a knock on the door.  You took the mitt off of your hand and walked over to answer it.  Without seeing who it was.
It was opened to reveal a tall man dressed in casual clothes and a mask.  And before you had a chance to do anything at all, you felt a cold, sharp pain in your side. 
It was silent and quick, and the man darted off after it happened.  You realized that he had stabbed you. 

"Who was it?"  Patrick asked as he walked into the kitchen. 
You just looked at him, and then back down at your abdomen, where you pressed your hand on the wound.  His face turned straight and he ran over to you when he realized what happened. 
"{Y/N}!"  He screamed as he basically caught you from behind. 

Your vision blurred and your knees gave out, causing you to fall, but he held you and slowly laid you in the floor. 
Tears shined in his eyes.  "I-I'll call an ambulance!"  He exclaimed, scrambling to his feet to run and get his phone. 
Your breathing quickened and the pain became worse.  He ran back next to you with the phone to his ear. 

"911, what's your emergency?"

"My girlfriend!  S-She was just stabbed in h-her side!  There's so much blood... I... I don't know w-what to do!"  Patrick instantly panicked.

The woman on the other line tried to calm him down and asked him a few questions, and he stuttered the answers. 

When he hung up, he fell back down next to you.  "T-They're on their wa-way."  He stammered out, rubbing your cheek gently with the back of his hand. 
You became more and more weak by the seconds, to the point where you couldn't slow the bleeding with your hand anymore.  He took over. 
The iron taste of blood began to fill your mouth. 

"Pl-please, just stay awake, please,"  He pleaded as more tears freely fell from his eyes.
You suddenly heard the siren of the ambulance, but it was muffled in your ears.
Paramedics rushed inside and carefully put you onto a gurney. 
"Miss {Your last name}, can you hear me?"  They kept asking repeatedly, but you gave them no answer.
Patrick kept a grip on your hand the entire time, and they let him right in the ambulance with you.

An oxygen mask was put over your face, and lights shined into your already dilated eyes.  Your eyelids would slowly drop every now and then, but you would be jerked again and they would open.
Patrick couldn't bare watch what they were doing to the wound.  His hand still gripped yours, and he brought it up to his lips every few seconds. 
"I love you, don't leave me,"  He whispered to you.  "Don't leave me..."  He said again.

Quickly, you made it to the hospital and they rushed you down the hall.  Patrick ran along, but they eventually had to take you away, resulting in prying his hand away.  He just stood there where they left him.  His hands were still covered in blood, and he was trying to catch his breath from running. 
A nurse walked over to him and gently put her hand on his shoulder.  "Mr. Stump?"  She said with kind, reassuring eyes. 
He slowly turned to look at her and made a small, silent smile. 
"Are you okay?"  She added. 
He sighed and nodded.  "Just scared."  He said, looking down and squeezing his eyes shut to prevent more tears from falling. 
The nurse smiled and said, "Rest easy, she'll be okay.  Would you like to wash your hands?"  He nodded and she took him to a sink.

You had lost consciousness, and your body was quickly shutting down.  For good.  More nurses and doctors kept flooding in to try and save you, but it was becoming too late. 

And the fight was over, and the pain vanished.

The lines that were just bouncing up and down on the monitors were now flat.  It was followed by long beeps that didn't pulse.

The team that had been striving to keep you alive paused in dead silence.

Patrick was pacing outside the door.  He had called Andy, Pete, and Joe, and they of course were all coming to stay with him.
One of the doctors stepped out and faced him with saddened eyes. 
"Is she okay?!"  Patrick frantically asked, but the doctor did not reply.
"Mr. Stump,"  He said in a low tone.  "I'm so sorry, but-"  He started to say, but Patrick knew what he was going to say.
He fell to his knees and stared ahead at nothing.  And just as the news hit him, Andy, Pete, and Joe came running up. 

"Oh... oh no."  Pete stammered out quietly, with Joe and Andy frozen behind him. 
"Her lung was punctured, it collapsed, and the bleeding was too rapid."  The doctor sorrowfully explained.  He looked over at Joe, who nodded at him. 
"We'll take it from here."  Joe said to him.  The doctor smiled at the trio and walked away.
Pete slowly bent down do Patrick and gently placed his hand on his back.
"I lost her, Pete,"  He muttered.  "S-She's gone."

Pete lightly grabbed Patrick's arm and pulled him up to sit him in a chair.
Patrick buried his face into Pete's jacket and began to cry more than he had all day.  Joe and Andy silently watched, blinking back tears themselves.
"It should've been me,"  Patrick started to say.  "I should've opened the door."
Pete sniffled and continued to hold his friend in the hug. 

(*Blows nose*  Okay yeah, kind of a stupid place to stop, but I couldn't think of anything else... and besides, I'm filled with too many feels to even think.)

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