I try to picture me without you, but I can't [Part 1]

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(Pic was made by me.  So here's a happy mini-ish fanfic I just started!  I know this first part is pretty short, but I thought it was a good place to stop at the end.)

You looked up from the numerous piles of grids and different blueprints you were drawing when you heard the door open. In walked GoGo with her gloved hands in her pockets.
"Hey, that new guy that you said was coming is here." She said, glimsping down at your blueprints.
You instantly put a smile on your face and said, "Good! Can you send him in?"
"Sure, be right back." GoGo replied, walking out into the hall.

You tossed the pen that you were using into an open drawer, and then closed it. After quickly stacking up the papers, you scanned your office, which was quite cluttery at the moment. "Dang it, this will be a good first impression." You muttered, kicking a small piece of metal under your desk.
Right after you did, GoGo opened the door and let the man in.
He made a shy smile and you smiled back.

"Hi, you must be Patrick? Patrick Stump?" You greeted, walking out from behind your desk and shaking his hand.
He nodded and said, "Yep, that's me."
"Welcome to SFT!" You exclaimed, tossing your hands up into the air.
"Thanks." He said with a grin, shifting his backpack over to one shoulder. He didn't look like the geeky type of robot guy, but the nerdy type. You actually thought that he was pretty cute.

You pointed at the chair in front of your desk, and he sat down while you sat in your own chair. "So, what type of robots do you mainly build?" You asked with your elbows on the desk and your chin in your hands.
"Um, I like making ones that help people, a lot. I'm not really much for combat." He said while he adjusted the fedora atop his head.
You instantly smirked and said quietly, "Say, 'Ow'."
He made a puzzled face before saying it. "Ow..?"  And right when he did, Baymax inflated from his charging station.

Patrick jumped in his seat while you just sat there, continuing to smile. Baymax slowly walked over to him and lifted his hand to introduce himself.

"Hello, I am Baymax. Your personal health care companion."

"Whoa," Patrick said in a breath while eying Baymax from to to bottom. "
I heard a sound of distress, what seems to be the trouble?" Baymax continued, cocking his head at Patrick.
"Uh," Patrick started to say, but you helped him out. "It's okay, Baymax. He just wanted to meet you!" Batmax turned around to face you, squeaking his latex materiel on the floor, and then he turned back to Patrick.
"Oh, nice to meet you. May I ask your name?" He asked. Patrick's mouth was still open before he spoke. "P-Patrick, my name's Patrick."
"It is nice to meet you, Patrick." Baymax said.
"It's nice to meet you too." Patrick replied, finally getting over the shock.

You kept on lightly giggling as they interacted. "Do you want to take a look around, Patrick?" You asked as you stood up from your desk.
He nodded and said, "Sure!" You could tell that he wasn't as shy anymore around you already.
"Do you wanna come, Baymax?" You asked the robot, who took short little steps closer to you.
"Yes, thank you for the invitation. I would love to accompany the both of you." He said, and then he followed the two of you out.

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