Truth or Dare

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( ^^ No words can describe how much I die when he does that.  It gives me hope whenever my glasses will just decide to slowly abandon my nose.  XD )

You sat in a circle on the floor with the guys backstage.  They had just gotten done doing a sound check, and now you were all just hanging out to pass the time before the concert started. 
You had been really good friends with Joe since high school, and the rest of the guys just took you in.  They treated you like their sister, and you treated them like your brothers.  Except for Patrick, both of you treated each other differently. 
Whenever there was a show near where you lived, they always gave you backstage passes.

"Boredom!"  Pete exclaimed, falling onto his back and just laying on the floor.  You chuckled at him and copied his actions, laying down on the floor too.
"Am I the only one that still gets nervous before we freaking play in front of thousands of people?"  Patrick asked, messing with the hem of his shirt.
"Yep."  The guys all answered in unison. 
"Truth or dare?"  Joe suddenly asked.
You and Pete sat up and smirked at each other.  "You up for it, Wentz?"  You asked playfully. 
"If you are, {Your last name}."  He replied, giving you the same glare that you were giving him.

One time back in 2003, the five of you played truth or dare, and you dared Pete to cover his entire face with eyeliner.  Which he did.  Ever since then, truth or dare had become this symbol of rivalry between the two of you.  He always said that he would get you back, but he hadn't... yet.

"I'll go first,"  Joe said, looking around to pick someone to ask.  "Patrick,"  He finally said.
"Oh no."  Patrick said, slouching slightly. 
"Truth or dare?"  Joe asked, making an evil laugh.
"I dare you to play the show tonight without your fedora."  Joe said, which was followed by a chorus of 'oohs'.
Patrick grabbed his fedora and repeatedly shook his head.  "No,"  He said, stroking the beloved hat.  "My preciousss,"  He added, surprising you with how good his Gollum impression was. 

Joe smirked and said, "Alright, then truth."
Patrick put his fedora back on his head and waited for Joe to ask.
"Do you have a crush on {Y/N}?" 
Your face turned red, and so did Patrick's.  "Well, erm... uh,"  He began to stammer out, rubbing his neck nervously.  "Umm, the truth is,"  He continued. 
Your heart seemed to beat out of your chest. 
"Yes... well... m-maybe I do..?" 

Nobody really said anything because nobody was surprised.  Except you.  You just sat there and stared at him like an idiot. 
"Alriiighty then, let's get rid of this awkward silence."  Pete suddenly said.  "{Y/N}?"
You had to basically peel your eyes off of Patrick.  "Y-yeah?"  You stuttered out.
"Truth or dare?"  Pete asked you.
"Dare,"  You replied, knowing that you were going to regret saying that.
"Kiss Patrick!"  Pete said excitingly, in which the other guys busted out laughing.

Then the staring continued, but this time at Pete.  "Is this how you're going to get me back for a freaking dare twelve years ago?"  You asked, furrowing your eyebrows at him.
He nodded hastily and said, "Mhm!  Now, kiss!" 
You rolled your eyes and turned around to face Patrick.  "I'm sorry,"  You mouthed to him.
His face was more red than yours, which you thought was adorable. 
You took a breath, and went in to peck his cheek.

"Whoa, whoa, whoa!  Hold on, time out!"  Pete suddenly said, and you quickly jerked back,  "Lips,"  He ordered.
You glared at him and said through gritted teeth, "You're gonna regret making me do this this."
All he did was smile at you.
You sighed and got closer and closer to Patrick.  Then, quicker than quick, you pecked his lips and crawled over next to Andy, who was just laughing the entire time.  Patrick just sat there like a statue.

"Jeez, don't bother to enjoy the moment."  Joe said to you, yet still laughing

"Shut up."  You mumbled, wanting to run and hide.

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