Miss Missing You - Part 2 of 3

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(I've never updated a second part this fast.  Whoa.  I'm very proud of myself.)

"W-what are they... G-going to do to me."  Patrick stammered out in between winces and flashes back to his demonic self. 
You blinked back tears and replied, "Just... Something that will help you."  You didn't want to tell him they were going to do an exorcism, considering he was scared to death already. 
In all honesty, you didn't want to be here.  You didn't want to watch what they would put him through, but you also didn't want him to be alone. 

Then it hit you.  Were these people legit?

Before you had any time to question, the man held a wooden cross in front of him.  He had a Bible in the other hand, reading in English for most of it, but then chanting stuff you didn't understand. 
Patrick's grip on your hand suddenly became unbearable.  It was like he was being pushed against the back of the pew by a force stronger than anything you had ever felt.

The man was sprinkling Holy Water on him and chanting even louder. 
Patrick's eyes were squeezed shut, but when he suddenly opened them, one was yellow and one was red.
He let out an inhuman roar and acted as if he was fighting whatever the man was doing.

The woman suddenly pulled you away from him so hard that you fell onto the ground.  "He's too dangerous for you to be with at this moment, the demon is at its peak of resistance!"  She yelled at you, not seeming like the sweet old woman she was before. 
This made you skeptical, but there was nothing you could do now.

Finally, the man stopped chanting and Patrick fell forward, still sitting up but his head hanging down like dead weight.
Tears were streaming down your face by now.  From fear, anxiety, and just watching the person you love go through something like that. 

You struggled to your feet and ran over to him, with the woman not stopping you from doing so. 
"P-Patrick,"  You stuttered in between sobs, putting your hands behind his neck and your thumbs on his cheeks. 
"Are... Are you... You again?"  You asked aloud, and he slowly opened his eyes. 

They were the beautiful greenish brown oceans you loved.

"(Y-Y/N)..."  He stuttered out in a whisper, the corners of his lips curled up into a smile.  He was out of breath and his face was shining from sweat.
You smiled back at him, finally knowing you were smiling at the real Patrick. 

He suddenly fell forward more into the floor and began to vomit blood.
"I-is he okay?!"  You panicked, not knowing if this was good or bad.
"He's getting rid of the last of it."  The man replied, breathing heavily also. 

Patrick continued to vomit for a long time, and when he finally stopped, he ended up in a fetal position, trembling from muscle fatigue.
And then you remembered the stab wound.

"We need to get that wound taken care of now, don't we?"  You said, pressing the tips of your fingers on the cloth around him to find that it was bleeding heavily again.
"No, our job is done.  You're both on your own now."  The woman said with a voice like a snake.

So it was true.  You couldn't trust them completely.

"W-what do you mean?"  You asked, wanting to slap yourself for being such a fool.
"We told Courtney we would kill him since he finished his job for her.  So that's what we're doing."  The man replied, crossing his arms across his chest.

Your heart dropped.  This was all your fault for letting them do this.  You were too easily manipulated at the time.

"You see, that demon was taking up over 75% of who he is.  And now without that, he's hardly anything.  With that wound, he'll croak any second."  The woman explained.

You didn't know what to say, so you said nothing as they left the church.

"No, I can't lose you,"  You said beginning to cry again.  You slowly rolled him over and found that his skin was more pale than it had ever been. 
His eyes were halfway open, but they were still looking at you.

"I'll be right back, Y-You can't leave me here."  You said, jumping up and running around the church. 
Thankfully, you found a phone on the wall that looked like it could've been from the 70s.

When you put it to your ear you heard the dial tone, you made a sigh of relief before calling an ambulance.
Trying your best to remain calm, you explained to them that he was practically dying and they said they would send an ambulance right away. 

You were surprised they could even service you out in this desert.

You dropped the phone, letting it hang from the receiver and ran back to him.
When you fell next to him, he used all the strength he could to put his hand into yours. 

"I-I... Love y-you..."  He stammered out, a tear slowly falling from the corner of his eye. 
You sobbed and replied, "I love you too." 

While waiting for the ambulance, you were doing everything you keep him awake.  Asking him random questions, just talking to him constantly, and even kissing him softly.  It was all working for now. 

When you heard the siren outside the door, you whispered to him, "You're going to stay alive.  I promise." 

Paramedics came rushing in with a gurney and all kinds of supplies. 
They smiled at you reassuringly and began to do stuff to him as fast as they could. 
They were shining lights into his dilated eyes, giving him oxygen, and doing all kinds of things that confused you, but you knew it would hopefully save his life. 

They let you ride in the ambulance with him, but everything was a blur to you.  Everything they were saying were echoed in your ears, and the lights were as bright as the sun to you. 

It wasn't long until they got to the hospital, running down the hall into a room.  You had to leave him now, but you knew he was being taken care of. 
You sat in one of the chairs in the waiting room and rubbed your forehead, bounced your knees up and down, and got up every once in a while and paced around.

Finally, a nurse came out and spoke to you...

(You can hate me for the cliffhanger.  I hate me for it too.  Also, I am sorry, but the only thing I could picture while writing the exorcism scene was Patrick having his head turned all the way around and puking pea soup.  I'm a dork, I know. XD)

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